
Terms for subject Microsoft containing securities | all forms
login security modeрежим безопасности входа в систему (A security mode that determines the manner in which an instance of SQL Server validates a login request)
network security scanсетевая проверка безопасности (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
security administratorадминистратор безопасности (An administrative user who has been granted the permissions to add, remove, and modify administrative users and their administrative assignments)
security advisoryсоветы по безопасности (A notification addressing a security change that may affect the security of customers' computers)
security alertпредупреждение безопасности (platon)
security and maintenanceбезопасность и обслуживание (A feature in Control Panel where users can take actions, such as changing settings, on features related to security and general PC software maintenance. Rori)
security and privacy settingsпараметры безопасности и конфиденциальности (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
security associationсопоставление безопасности (A combination of identifiers, which together define Internet Protocol security (IPsec), that protects communication between sender and receiver)
security auditаудит безопасности (The process that tracks the activities of users and records selected types of events in the security log)
security best practicesрекомендации по безопасности (microsoft.com bojana)
security blanketпараметры безопасности (A group of values that describe the security settings that apply to all proxies in a process or to just a particular interface proxy)
security breachбрешь в системе безопасности (An event that compromises the security of a computer, application, network or other resource)
security certificateсертификат безопасности (A digital document that is commonly used for authentication and to help secure information on a network. A certificate binds a public key to an entity that holds the corresponding private key. Certificates are digitally signed by the certification authority that issues them, and they can be issued for a user, a computer, or a service)
security checklistsконтрольные списки требований по безопасности (microsoft.com bojana)
security contextконтекст безопасности (The security attributes or rules that are currently in effect. For example, the rules that govern what a user can do to a protected object are determined by security information in the user's access token and in the object's security descriptor. Together, the access token and the security descriptor form a security context for the user's actions on the object)
security dataзащищённые данные (Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
security dataданные безопасности (Office System 2010, Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
security descriptorдескриптор безопасности (A data structure that contains security information associated with a protected object. Security descriptors include information about who owns the object, who can access it and in what way, and what types of access are audited)
security disablerотключатель защиты (A type of Trojan that disables security settings or products such as antivirus software)
security-edge gatewayбрандмауэр (A security solution that segregates one portion of a network from another portion, allowing only authorized network traffic to pass through according to traffic filtering rules)
security eventсобытие безопасности (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
security event logsжурналы событий безопасности (Windows 8 ssn)
security extensionмодуль безопасности (A component in Reporting Services that authenticates a user or group to a report server)
security featuresсредства безопасности (harser)
security fileфайл безопасности (A file that contains a digital code that makes it possible to seal messages or to add a digital signature to messages. This file can be stored on a 3.5-inch disk or on your computer's hard disk)
security groupгруппа безопасности (A group that can be listed in discretionary access control lists (DACLs) used to define permissions on resources and objects. A security group can also be used as an e-mail entity. Sending an e-mail message to the group sends the message to all the members of the group)
security groupsгруппы безопасности (ssn)
security groups selectionвыбор групп безопасности (ssn)
security holeбрешь в системе безопасности (An unintentionally unprotected entry point into an otherwise secure computer, component, application, or other online resource)
security hostмодуль безопасности (An authentication device, supplemental to standard Windows and remote access server security, that verifies whether a caller from a remote client is authorized to connect to the remote access server)
security hostузел безопасности
security IDИД безопасности (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a SID when it is created)
security identifierидентификатор безопасности (In Windows-based systems, a unique value that identifies a user, group, or computer account within an enterprise. Every account is issued a security identifier when it is created)
security keyключ безопасности (An identifier used by two APPC logical units (LUs) to validate security when a session is activated. The security key performs a function similar to that of a password, but at the LU-LU session level rather than at the TP-conversation level)
security level for intranetуровень безопасности для интрасети (Intune 1505 Rori)
security logжурнал безопасности (An event log containing information on security events that are specified in the audit policy)
security modelмодель безопасности (A structure that organizes application access control permissions by using privilege, duty, and business process classifiers and that grants permissions that are aggregated into duties to user role assignments)
security optionпараметр безопасности (Andy)
security packпакет безопасности (A kind of management pack that contains the logic to monitor the security events for a specified application)
security patchобновление для системы безопасности
security policyполитика безопасности (The active policy established by the administrator that programmatically generates granted permissions for all managed code based on the code's requested permissions. Code that requires more permissions than policy will grant is not allowed to run)
security principalсубъект безопасности (In Windows-based computers, an account (such as a user, security group, device, or computer) that can be granted or denied access to resources)
security principal nameимя участника безопасности (A name that uniquely identifies a user, group, or computer within a single domain. This name is not guaranteed to be unique across domains)
security protocolпроцедуры обеспечения безопасности (A specification that defines security-related data objects and rules about how the objects are used to maintain security on a computer system)
security pushинтенсивное тестирование безопасности продукта
security roleроль безопасности
security scopeобласть безопасности (A method that, when used in conjunction with security roles, limits which objects an administrative user can use and see)
Security Serverсервер безопасности (Centro server that hosts primary security roles and workloads)
security settingsпараметры безопасности (Settings used to specify privacy, security, and logon configurations for Windows)
security settingsнастройка безопасности (harser)
security specificationsспецификации безопасности (microsoft.com bojana)
security supportподдержка безопасности (ssn)
security support componentкомпонент обеспечения безопасности (A hardware-based security facility that implements cryptosystems, random number generation, and key storage)
security support providerпоставщик поддержки безопасности (ssn)
security support provider interfaceинтерфейс поставщика поддержки безопасности (ssn)
security testтест безопасности (A test that looks for attack paths that might be used to gain access to assets)
security tokenтокен безопасности (microsoft.com bojana)
security tokenмаркёр безопасности (A cryptographically signed data unit that transfers authentication and authorization information, based on a credential)
security token serviceслужба токенов безопасности (STS microsoft.com bojana)
security token serviceслужба маркёров безопасности (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
security trimmerтриммер безопасности (A component that limits search results at query time based on the identity of the user who submitted the query)
security trimmingфильтрация по ролям безопасности (The process of limiting search results based on the identity of the user who submitted the query)
security updateобновление для системы безопасности (" A broadly released fix for a product-specific security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on their severity which is indicated in the Microsoft's security bulletin as "critical," "important," "moderate, or "low.")
security update packageобновление для системы безопасности (" A broadly released fix for a product-specific security-related vulnerability. Security vulnerabilities are rated based on their severity which is indicated in the Microsoft's security bulletin as "critical," "important," "moderate, or "low.")
security vulnerabilityуязвимость (A vulnerability in a product that is addressed by a Microsoft security update and security bulletin or a service pack)
security vulnerabilityуязвимость системы безопасности (ssn)
SIM securityЗапрашивать PIN-код (A toggle switch that you tap to enter a SIM PIN)
Windows NT Integrated Securityвстроенная система безопасности Windows NT (A security mode that leverages the Windows NT authentication process)