
Terms for subject Microsoft containing secure | all forms | exact matches only
Defines a binding that is secure, reliable, optimized for on-machine cross process communicationОпределяет безопасную, надёжную и оптимизированную привязку для взаимодействия процессов на одном компьютере (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 Rori)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layerпротокол HTTPS (A message transfer protocol used by the World Wide Web to service page requests, and which adds a security layer using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology)
non-secure connectionнебезопасное соединение (Andy)
secure bitбит безопасности (The bit in a key message used to notify the supplicant and authenticator when a key exchange is complete and a link is considered secure. The bit is set to 0 (not secure) or 1 (secure))
secure desktopбезопасный рабочий стол (A desktop that is isolated from other processes running on the system. The secure desktop increases the security of the elevation prompt. Rori)
secure digital cardSD-карта (A memory card about the size of a postage stamp that is supported by many types of devices)
Secure Electronic Transactions protocolпротокол SET
Secure FTPпротокол Secure FTP (A protocol that is used to upload configuration files over any reliable data stream; for example, to upload Directory Services user entries to the Administration Center)
Secure FTP modeрежим "Загрузка по протоколу SFTP" (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via Secure FTP (SFTP). This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. This mode permits specifying multiple domains per file)
Secure Hash Algorithmалгоритм SHA
Secure Hash Algorithm 1алгоритм SHA-1 (An algorithm that generates a 160-bit hash value from an arbitrary amount of input data. SHA-1 is used with the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) in the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), among other places)
Secure Mail Publishing Wizardмастер защищённой публикации почтовых протоколов (A wizard that enables the publishing of multiple mail protocols at once)
secure networkзащищённая сеть (A logical portion of a network that client computers can access if they either meet corporate health policy or are exempt from meeting corporate health policy)
secure noteзащищённая заметка (Any information (e.g. account numbers, sensitive data, etc) with a title and some free-form text that can be stored in a secure manner in a personal vault)
secure password authenticationбезопасная проверка пароля (A feature that allows a server to confirm the identity of the person logging on)
Secure Socket Layer bridgingмост SSL (A network protocol which forwards Secure Socket Layer (SSL) packets)
Secure Socket Layer tunnelingтуннелирование SSL (A network protocol which encapsulates a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol or session inside another)
Secure Sockets Layerпротокол SSL (The protocol that improves the security of data communication by using a combination of data encryption, digital certificates, and public key cryptography. SSL enables authentication and increases data integrity and privacy over networks. SSL does not provide authorization or nonrepudiation)
secure store databaseбаза данных Secure Store (The database used by the Secure Store Service to store credentials)
Secure Store Serviceслужба Secure Store (The shared service that securely stores credential sets for external data sources and associates those credential sets to identities of individuals or to group identities. This service can be used to support a variety of solutions. For example, the stored credentials can be leveraged by certain applications to enable single sign-on)
secure transaction technologyтехнология безопасных транзакций (The use of the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), S-HTTP (Secure HTTP), or both in online transactions, such as form transmission or credit card purchases)