
Terms for subject General containing secondary/primary | all forms
everyone who hands in secondary matter will feast on primary, served on a platterкто сдаёт продукт вторичный, тот снабжается отлично (выражение из книги В.Войновича "Москва 2042" в переводе на английский Ричарда Лурье Censonis)
primary and secondary general schoolсредняя общеобразовательная школа 1-3 ступеней (u.to 4uzhoj)
primary and secondary legislationзаконы и подзаконные акты (The Difference Between Primary and Secondary Legislation. There are two kinds of legislation that have a bearing on the Irish legal system: Irish legislation and EU legislation. Within both spheres of legislation there are primary and secondary levels of classification. Primary legislation is superior to secondary legislation. It is usually the source from which the secondary legislation gets its authority. Alexander Demidov)