
Terms for subject Microsoft containing scan | all forms | exact matches only
boundary scanпериферийное сканирование (A technology that allows engineers to perform extensive debugging and diagnostics on a system through a small number of dedicated test pins. Signals are scanned into and out of the I/O cells of a device serially to control its inputs and test the outputs under various conditions)
Boundary Scan Description Language fileBDSL-файл (An external file that defines the capabilities of any single device's boundary scan logic)
BPA scanпроверка BPA (A scan that is run by the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA) to identify any issues that violate a pre-defined set of best practices)
BPA scanпроверка анализатором соответствия рекомендациям (A scan that is run by the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA) to identify any issues that violate a pre-defined set of best practices)
catch-up scanдополнительная проверка (A scan that is initiated because regularly scheduled quick scans or full scans were missed)
Distributed Scan ManagementРаспредёлённое управление сканированием (A feature that offers a collection of Web services, applications, and Windows services that work together to create an end-to-end experience that allows users to walk up to a copy room MFD and scan a document to a destination)
Distributed Scan Serverсервер распределенного сканирования (A role service, under Print and Document Services, that provides the service which receives scanned documents from network scanners and routes them to the correct destinations. It also includes the Scan Management snap-in. Rori)
Hardware Functionality Scanпроверка возможностей оборудования (A process whereby a driver authenticates the validity of hardware)
network security scanсетевая проверка безопасности (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
post-scan instructionsинструкции для обработки после сканирования (The instructions for the Distributed Scan Server to process the scanned images upon receipt. Includes which filters to run and any filter-specific attributes)
post-scan processпроцесс обработки после сканирования (All the information created to accomplish an enterprise scan. It includes a destination server, scan ticket and post-scan instructions)
post-scan process filterфильтр процесса обработки после сканирования (A processing unit on the Distributed Scan Server that is called by the post scan-instructions to process each file as requested and log the results)
scan codeкод опроса (A code generated by the keyboard software to identify the key pressed in a unique manner)
scan engineантивирусное ядро (Software used to inspect messages to detect viruses or to identify spam)
scan headсканирующая головка (An optical device found in scanners and fax machines that moves across the subject being scanned, converts light and dark areas to electrical signals, and sends those signals to the scanning system for processing)
scan intervalинтервал проверки (For Process Control, the time between successive checks for new processes started on the server. You can configure this in the Process Control snap-in)
scan intervalсканировать
scan jobзадание сканирования (A scan that has a unique ID associated with it for reporting and tracking purposes. Rori)
Scan ManagementУправление сканированием (A MMC snap-in tool under Print and Document Services that is used for managing network scanners, and configuring your Distributed Scan Server and how scans should be processed)
Scan Management failed when calling into the certificate selection code.Сбой управления сканированием при вызове кода выбора сертификата (Windows 8 Rori)
scan profileпрофиль сканирования (A collection of saved settings for scanning documents or pictures. In Windows Fax and Scan, you can adjust scan settings and then save them as a scan profile)
Scan your PC for malware, including viruses, spyware, and unwanted software.Проверьте свой компьютер на наличие вредоносных программ, в том числе вирусов, шпионского ПО и нежелательных программ. (Windows 8.1 Rori)
Select the type of picture you want to scan, or create custom settingsВыберите тип фотографий для сканирования или создайте особые параметры настройки (Windows Server 2003 SP1)
the scan process was created, but an Active Directory constraint violation occurred while security settings were being applied.Процесс сканирования был создан, но во время применения параметров безопасности возникло нарушение ограничения Active Directory. (Windows 7)
tune up scanпроверка степени фрагментации (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
tune-up scanпроверка степени фрагментации (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
Upgrade Pre-Scan toolсредство сканирования перед обновлением (A pre-upgrade scan tool that scans the user's sites and reports issues, allowing the user to fix any errors before performing an upgrade to Office SharePoint Server 2007 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Rori)
Windows Fax and ScanФаксы и сканирование (A feature in Windows Vista that allows the user to manage faxing and scanning functions)
Windows ScanСканер Windows (The app that enables users to scan photos or documents using a connected scanner and save the images to a folder)