
Terms containing saboteur | all forms | exact matches only
inf.a saboteurвредитель (тот, кто вредит, портит что-либо (часто с иронично-дружеским оттенком) someone who deliberately damages, destroys, or spoils someone else's property or activities (in Russian often used ironically))
hist.doctor-saboteurврач-вредитель (The Doctors' plot (Russian: дело врачей, врачи-вредители – "doctors-saboteurs", or врачи-убийцы – "doctors-killers") is considered to be the most dramatic anti-Jewish episode in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin's regime. In 1952–53, a group of prominent Moscow doctors (predominantly Jews) was accused of conspiring to assassinate Soviet leaders. This was later accompanied by publications of anti-Semitic character in the media, which talked about the threats of Zionism and condemned people with Jewish names. Many doctors, officials and others, both Jews and non-Jews, were promptly dismissed from their jobs and arrested. A few weeks after the death of Stalin, the new Soviet leadership stated a lack of evidence and the case was dropped. Soon after, the case was declared to have been fabricated. WK Alex_Odeychuk)
polit.he was convicted in one of the saboteur's trialsон был осуждён по процессу вредителей
psychol.internal saboteurвнутренний диверсант
psychol.saboteur internalвнутренний диверсант
mil.saboteur underwater swimmerбоевой пловец-диверсант
mil.scout saboteurразведчик-диверсант
mil.scout-saboteur underwater swimmerбоевой пловец-разведчик/диверсант
mil.scout-saboteur underwater swimmerбоевой пловец-разведчик / диверсант
slangshirt saboteursсиськи (sissoko)
Makarov.the saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and officesдиверсанты собирались взрывать автобусы и учреждения
mil.underwater swimmer saboteurбоевой пловец-диверсант