
Terms containing royalty interest | all forms | in specified order only
econ.overriding royalty interestноминальное долевое участие на основе субаренды
O&G. tech.overriding royalty interestдоход субарендатора участка
O&Goverriding royalty interestпроцент с выручки от реализации нефти или газа, выплачиваемый в виде вознаграждения некоторому лицу, но не владельцу земли (MichaelBurov)
econ.overriding royalty interestпассивное долевое участие на основе субаренды
econ.overriding royalty interestсубарендаторский процент
econ.overriding royalty interestдоход нефтепромышленника-субарендатора (определённая доля арендаторского процента)
energ.ind.royalty interestроялти
econ.royalty interestрентный процент
energ.ind.royalty interestрентный процент (доля владельца нефте- или газоносного участка в получаемой прибыли)
econ.royalty interestпроцент роялти (In the oil and gas industry this refers to ownership of a portion of the resource or revenue that is produced. A company or person that owns a royalty interest does not bear any of the costs of the operations needed to produce the resource, yet the person or company still owns a portion of resource of revenue produced. Investopedia explains "Royalty Interest" In contrast to a royalty interest, a working interest refers to an investment in an oil and gas operation where the investor does bear some of the costs for exploration, drilling and production. An investor that has a royalty interest only bears the cost of the initial investment and isn't liable for ongoing operating costs. Alexander Demidov)
O&G. tech.royalty interestрентная доля арендатора участка
oilroyalty interestдоля оплаты за право разработки недр
econ.royalty interestрентная доля (доля владельца нефте- или газоносного участка)
gen.royalty interestпроцент роялти (In the oil and gas industry this refers to ownership of a portion of the resource or revenue that is produced. A company or person that owns a royalty interest does not bear any of the costs of the operations needed to produce the resource, yet the person or company still owns a portion of resource of revenue produced. Investopedia explains "Royalty Interest" In contrast to a royalty interest, a working interest refers to an investment in an oil and gas operation where the investor does bear some of the costs for exploration, drilling and production. An investor that has a royalty interest only bears the cost of the initial investment and isn't liable for ongoing operating costs. – АД)
O&G. tech.royalty interestsправо на получение роялти