
Terms for subject General containing right -down | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
come down on the right side of the fenceстать на сторону сильнейшей стороны (в споре)
come down on the right side of the fenceвстать на сторону победителя
come down on the right side of the fenceстать на сторону победителя (в споре)
easterly winds cool things right downвосточный ветер принесёт прохладу (Olga Fomicheva)
he saw that I was right and so he had to back downон понял, что я прав, и был вынужден отступиться (Taras)
hew down right and leftрубить направо и налево
I see you're down as a singer, is that right?это правда?
I see you're down as a singer, is that right?здесь написано, что вы певец
I'll be right downсейчас приеду (Hold everything. I'll be right down with the booze and girls. ART Vancouver)
peel right down to nothingраздеться догола (Anglophile)
right downсовершенно
right downсовершенный
right downполностью
right downотъявленный
right down the hallпрямо по коридору (Samura88)
right down the lineот начала и до конца (He supported their campaign right down the line. VPK)
right down to nothingдогола (Anglophile)
right-down-the-middle-of-the roadнепредвзятый (But those familiar with Frank's history of apolitical judicial restraint, and his tough-but-fair approach to dealing with criminals, suggest he may stop short of the radical revamping of the MSOP sought by some civil liberties advocates. Frank has been tougher on convicted criminals than his colleagues on the federal bench during the past five years as a federal judge, according to court data. “Anyone who thinks that [Frank] is going to go easy on someone just because of who appointed him is absolutely nuts,” said Joseph Friedberg, a Minneapolis defense lawyer. “[Frank] is a right-down-the-middle-of-the road judge who never lets his personal politics get in the way.” 4uzhoj)
sit down and start working right awayсадитесь за работу сейчас же
sit right down next to to meсядьте тут, около меня
these plums will boil right downэти сливы сильно уварятся
we are right up and downякорь на апанер