
Terms for subject Microsoft containing richer | all forms
rich blackнасыщенный чёрный (A more saturated black color created by using 100% process black and some percentage of one or more of cyan, magenta, or yellow)
rich browser experienceнасыщенное использование браузера (microsoft.com bojana)
Rich Internet Applicationполнофункциональное интернет-приложение (microsoft.com bojana)
rich Internet applicationполнофункциональное интернет-приложение (A web application that provides a user interface which is more similar to a desktop application than typical web pages. It is able to process user actions without posting the whole web page to a web server)
Rich Previewer Moduleмодуль предварительного просмотра с форматированием (A technology that allows Vista to show "live" icons of the actual content of a file in the file thumbnail instead of the usual static icons. It is also used to render content in the Reading Pane in folders)
rich siteинформативный полнофункциональный веб-узел
rich textформатированный текст (ssn)
rich-text boxтекстовое поле в формате RTF (A standard Windows control that is similar to a standard text box, except that it also supports individual character and paragraph properties)
rich-text editorредактор форматированного текста (A text-editing program that lets users create instant messages or blog posts that contain rich text elements, such as text formatting and embedded images)
rich text fieldполе форматированного текста (A field that can show formatting and graphics, such as an embedded object, and not just text)
rich text XML mappingсопоставление XML для форматированного текста (A type of XML mapping that links WordprocessingML content directly to the backing data in the custom XML part)