
Terms for subject General containing reputational | all forms | exact matches only
repair reputational damageвосстанавливать доброе имя (Ремедиос_П)
repair reputational damageвосстанавливать репутацию (Ремедиос_П)
reputational costморальные издержки (tfennell)
reputational lossрепутационные потери (tlumach)
reputational riskриск ущерба репутации (Alexander Demidov)
reputational riskриск негативных последствий для репутации (Reputational risk, often called reputation risk, is a risk of loss resulting from damages to a firm's reputation, in lost revenue; increased operating, capital or regulatory costs; or destruction of shareholder value, consequent to an adverse or potentially criminal event even if the company is not found guilty. Adverse events typically associated with reputation risk include ethics, safety, security, sustainability, quality, and innovation. Reputational risk can be a matter of corporate trust. WK Alexander Demidov)
reputational risk managementуправление репутационными рисками (sankozh)
reputational setbackутрата репутации (Sergei Aprelikov)