
Terms for subject General containing replacement costs | all forms | in specified order only
aggregate replacement cost indicatorукрупнённый показатель восстановительной стоимости (УПВС Alexander Demidov)
cost of restoration or replacementстоимость воспроизводства или замещения
cost of restoration or replacementстоимость замещения или воспроизводства
depreciated replacement costsамортизированных затрат замещения (AD Alexander Demidov)
full replacement costполная восстановительная стоимость (Recovery under homeowner's forms may be on the basis of either full replacement cost or actual cash value (ACV). Britannica Alexander Demidov)
replacement costвозмещаемая стоимость (The term replacement cost or replacement value refers to the amount that an entity would have to pay to replace an asset at the present time, according to its current worth. In the insurance industry, "replacement cost" or "replacement cost value" is one of several method of determining the value of an insured item. Replacement cost is the actual cost to replace an item or structure at its pre-loss condition. This may not be the "market value" of the item, and is typically distinguished from the "actual cash value" payment which includes a deduction for depreciation. For insurance policies for property insurance, a contractual stipulation that the lost asset must be actually repaired or replaced before the replacement cost can be paid is common. This prevents overinsurance, which contributes to arson and insurance fraud. WK Alexander Demidov)
replacement cost valueвозмещаемая стоимость (Replacement Cost value is the amount it would cost to repair or replace an item with one of the same kind and quality as the original – in today's market. Alexander Demidov)
replacement costsзатраты на возмещение (Alexander Demidov)