
Terms for subject General containing reflective surface | all forms | in specified order only
reflective surfaceзеркальная поверхность (Writer Mark Leslie shared his research into haunted places, including his most recent work investigating paranormal stories from drinking establishments. He delved into specific haunted locations, sharing intriguing tales gathered from the Winking Judge in Hamilton, Ontario, and the Shaker Cigar Bar in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Winking Judge has garnered a reputation for being haunted, with numerous reported sightings of the judge himself. Described as wearing a dark suit and a top hat, the judge is often seen in reflective surfaces and occasionally appears outside the window of the men's room on the second floor. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
road signs with reflective surfaceдорожные знаки со световозвращающей поверхностью (ABelonogov)