
Terms for subject General containing redressing | all forms | exact matches only
action for the redress ofиск об устранении (actions for the redress of injuries caused by the acts or activities of public officials Alexander Demidov)
amount and extent of redress to be made for damageобъём и размер возмещения вреда (ABelonogov)
he laboured to redress my painон старался облегчить мои страдания
I will redress your wrongsя заставлю загладить нанесённое вам оскорбление
legal redressудовлетворение требований по суду
legal redressсатисфакция требований по суду
legal remedies enabling them to seek redressсредства правовой защиты, позволяющие им добиваться возмещения ущерба / вреда (the Committee calls on the State party to ensure that victims of racial discrimination have access to effective legal remedies enabling them to seek redress, and to inform the public about such remedies.)
recognition of and redress forпризнание и защита (deterrence and retribution; providing a platform for the recognition of and redress for victims; and, through all this, contributing to collective memory and history | Because no Middle East peace can be reached without recognition of, and redress for, the uprooting of centuries-old Jewish communities by | They also sought recognition of and redress for other grievances such as the Crown's acquisition of timber and other resources at Warawara and Waireia, the | The families of these victims, it was said, were seeking recognition of and redress for their murders. | the mixed ownership companies programme will not compromise the Government's "work to achieve recognition of and redress for Maori rights and interests in water and geothermal resources". Alexander Demidov)
redress a grievanceзаглаживать обиду
redress a wrongзаглаживать обиду
redress a wrongзагладить обиду
redress a wrongзаглаживать вину
redress an imbalanceвосстанавливать равновесие
redress an injusticeвосстановить справедливость (Olga Okuneva)
redress imbalanceвосстановить равновесие (Anglophile)
redress injusticeустранять несправедливость (В. Бузаков)
Redress Numberспециальный идентификационный номер, который выдаётся пассажиру Службой Транспортной Безопасности США, в случае, если ранее данному пассажиру было отказано в полёте (идентификатор Redress Number)
redress one's selfотомстить за себя
redress soughtтребования (заявителя и т.п. Alexander Demidov)
redress sought by the claimantтребования заявителя (Alexander Demidov)
redress the afflictedутешать скорбящих
redress the balanceвосстанавливать равновесие
redress the balanceвосстановить равновесие
redress the balanceвосстановить справедливость (Wakeful dormouse)
redress the balanceвосстановить баланс (raf)
redress the damage doneвозместить причинённый ущерб (Alexander Demidov)
redress the fallout ofустранять последствия (Oksana-Ivacheva)
redress the violation of the applicant's rightsвосстановить права истца (When the Russian courts ordered that the violation of the applicant's rights be redressed, it was too late, since by that time the debtor no longer had any assets. Kotov v. Russia Alexander Demidov)
redress wrongsзагладить вину
redressing violations of rightsустранение нарушений прав (Alexander Demidov)
seek legal redressобратиться в суд (Two women in this study, however, did seek legal redress for discriminatory practices in their districts. | Nexbis to seek legal redress for "irreparable damage to reputation and brand name". | Should Schools be entitled to seek legal redress for lost hours of productivity and emotional stress caused by Novopay errors? | There is a danger of making too much of this, but the tendency for individuals to seek legal redress for poor medical care or a faulty consumer product... | ... was the object of the agreement between the lessor or lender and the defaulter, and each will have to seek legal redress for the balance of the amounts due. | ... brought home to him just how hard and expensive it can be for Australians to seek legal redress for common problems. | In accordance with this analysis, a husband should seek legal redress for breach of an implied contract. Alexander Demidov)
seek legal redress forобратиться в суд за защитой (But, in that it was a forceful stand on the part of the federal government for civil rights, it ushered in a new era in which Americans could seek legal redress for civil rights violations. Alexander Demidov)
seek legal redress for rights violationsобратиться в суд за защитой нарушенных прав (Often deportation shortens attempts to seek legal redress for rights violations. | Reliable research methods are essential for human rights defenders seeking legal redress for human rights violations against others or themselves. | A description of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ... for civil rights, it ushered in a new era in which Americans could seek legal redress for civil rights violations.- Alexander Demidov)
seek legal redress for rights violationsобратиться в суд за защитой нарушенных прав (Often deportation shortens attempts to seek legal redress for rights violations. | Reliable research methods are essential for human rights defenders seeking legal redress for human rights violations against others or themselves. | A description of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. ... for civil rights, it ushered in a new era in which Americans could seek legal redress for civil rights violations.- АД)
seek legal redress for rights violationsобратиться в суд за защитой прав (opposes the recent backlash in the Federal courts that limits a person's right to seek legal redress for civil rights violations based on environmental disparities Alexander Demidov)
seek redressобратиться за защитой своих прав (обратиться за защитой своих прав в Арбитражный суд г. Москвы = seek redress from the Arbitrazh [Commercial] Court of the city of Moscow Alexander Demidov)
seek redressвысказывать претензии (visitor)
seek redress withобратиться за защитой своих интересов в (Alexander Demidov)
sue to a law-court for redressискать защиты у суда
we demand redressмы требуем удовлетворения