
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing putting-out | all forms | in specified order only
be put out to pastureвыйти в тираж (grafleonov)
put a foot out of placeпровиниться (VLZ_58)
put a foot out of placeпроштрафиться (VLZ_58)
put a foot out of placeсогрешить (VLZ_58)
put a foot out of placeсовершить предосудительный поступок (In his NHL100 profile of Beliveau, NHL.com columnist Dave Stubbs outlined some of what made Beliveau special: "He lived every day of his adult life in the public eye without once putting a foot out of place; for more than half a century, from 1953 until the first of two strokes cut into his legendary energy, he answered by hand each of the thousands of pieces of fan mail that came his way. VLZ_58)
put one's arm out further than one can draw it back againзарваться (Bobrovska)
put feelers outпрощупывать почву (Sassafras)
put oneself outлезть из кожи вон (VLZ_58)
put out a feelerпрощупать (I hesitated to ask him directly. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So I put out a feeler. ART Vancouver)
put out feelersзабрасывать удочку (Andrey Truhachev)
put out feelersпрощупать (также в форме "put (some) feelers out" Andrey Truhachev)
put out feelersзакинуть удочку (Andrey Truhachev)
put out feelersпрощупывать (Andrey Truhachev)
put out feelersпрощупывать почву (Andrey Truhachev)
put someone out of a jobОставить кого-либо без работы (maximrrrr)
put someone out of their miseryпрекратить чьи-либо мучения (Marie_)
put someone out of their miseryизбавить от мучений (Ремедиос_П)
put someone out of their miseryпрекратить чьи-либо страдания (Marie_)
put out to pastureотправить на пенсию (Anglophile)
put out to pastureвыпроводить на пенсию (He felt he was still capable enough,both physically and mentally, to be put out to pasture. Val_Ships)
put someone out to pastureотправить в отставку (Andrey Truhachev)
put someone out to pastureотправлять на пенсию (Andrey Truhachev)
put someone out to pastureотправлять в отставку (Andrey Truhachev)
put out to pastureвыбросить на свалку (Михаил зайчик)
put out to pastureвыдворить на пенсию (same as put out to grass felog)
put someone out of his/her miseryдать кому-то то,что он действительно желает (Noigel)