
Terms containing put bluntly | all forms | in specified order only
Gruzovik, inf.in order to put it bluntlyпопросту сказать
media.put an issue bluntlyпоставить вопрос прямо (bigmaxus)
gen.put bluntlyпрямо говоря (Put bluntly, plants die without sunlight. Alexey Lebedev)
gen.put it bluntlyпопросту говоря
Makarov.put it bluntly, he is not an honest personпопросту говоря, он нечестный человек
gen.put it more bluntlyпроще говоря (IrinaPol)
econ.put the question bluntlyпоставить вопрос ребром (president1991)
gen.to put it bluntlyоткровенно говоря
gen.to put it bluntlyпрямо говоря (dreamjam)
inf.to put it bluntlyпопросту сказать
inf.to put it bluntlyсказать по правде (VLZ_58)
gen.to put it bluntlyесли говорить без обиняков (to put it bluntly dreamjam)
gen.to put it bluntlyоткровенно говоря (used for telling someone that you are going to be honest even if this upsets them,: To put it bluntly, their demands are unreasonable.)
gen.to put it bluntlyесли начистоту (4uzhoj)
gen.to put it bluntlyгрубо говоря (Kydex)