
Terms for subject Parapsychology containing psychical | all forms
by psychic connectionтелепатически ("I was completely oblivious to anything else and felt no fear. In fact I would have loved to have gone for a ride and, if the men had spoken to me, I would have answered quite naturally." As if on cue – or perhaps by psychic connection – the smaller entity raised its head and slowly turned towards Kendall. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
psychic abilitiesэкстрасенсорное восприятие (Scientists in Russia are feared to have "contacted aliens" and collected "cosmic intelligence" using psychic abilities. US journalist and UFO investigator George Knapp claims the country developed a practice called 'remote viewing' which allowed them to essentially see into the minds of aliens and harness their technology. mirror.co.uk ART Vancouver)
psychic abilitiesэкстрасенсорные способности (Scientists in Russia are feared to have "contacted aliens" and collected "cosmic intelligence" using psychic abilities. US journalist and UFO investigator George Knapp claims the country developed a practice called 'remote viewing' which allowed them to essentially see into the minds of aliens and harness their technology. mirror.co.uk ART Vancouver)
psychic energyэнергетические способности к ясновидению (During the second hour, he gave readings for callers, sharing details like those born under the sun sign of Cancer often have a lot of psychic energy. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)