
Terms containing provide with important information | all forms
O&GHNP provide important information on injectivity and pressure communication with adjacent wells.пароциклическая обработка скважины (Huff and Puff pvconst)
gen.provide someone with important informationпредоставлять кому-л. важные сведения (Additionally, strange people seemed to appear from nowhere, providing them with important information concerning their investigation and then oddly vanish. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
gen.provide someone with important informationпредоставлять кому-л. важную информацию (Additionally, strange people seemed to appear from nowhere, providing them with important information concerning their investigation and then oddly vanish. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
gen.provide someone with important informationснабжать кого-л. важными сведениями (Additionally, strange people seemed to appear from nowhere, providing them with important information concerning their investigation and then oddly vanish. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)