
Terms containing profusely | all forms | exact matches only
gen.apologise profuselyсильно извиняться (engie86)
Makarov.apologize profuselyбез конца просить прощения
gen.apologize profuselyрассыпаться в извинениях (Anglophile)
gen.apologize profuselyбез конца извиняться
Gruzovik, fig.bleed profuselyподплывать кровью
idiom.bleed profuselyумыться кровавыми соплями (VLZ_58)
idiom.bleed profuselyумыться кровью (VLZ_58)
Makarov.bleed profuselyсильно кровоточить
gen.bleed profuselyподплывать кровью
gen.bleed profuselyистекать кровью (L4Mageoflight)
amer.bleeding profuselyистекающий кровью (Val_Ships)
gen.bloom profuselyпышно цвести ("Fluffy Golden Wattle, an acacia that blooms profusely throughout the country, is Australia's national flower." (Sunset, Lane Publishing Co.) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, bot.blooming profuselyобильно цветущий
gen.blooming profuselyобильно цветущий
gen.drink profuselyсильно пить (cnlweb)
inf.grow profuselyлопушиться (of plants)
Gruzovik, inf.grow profusely of plantsлопушиться
gen.grow profuselyобильно разростись (о кустарнике: Because of the vegetation which grows profusely along the edge of the precipice and overhangs it, it makes it difficult to see where the edge of the drop starts. Luckily the squire must have been near to one of the narrower sections of the chasm and was able to leap across the intervening gap on his horse, unfortunately his hounds were not so lucky and many of them fell to their deaths on the rocky floor of the chasm fifty feet below. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
gen.grow profuselyгусто разростись (о кустарнике: Because of the vegetation which grows profusely along the edge of the precipice and overhangs it, it makes it difficult to see where the edge of the drop starts. Luckily the squire must have been near to one of the narrower sections of the chasm and was able to leap across the intervening gap on his horse, unfortunately his hounds were not so lucky and many of them fell to their deaths on the rocky floor of the chasm fifty feet below. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
gen.he apologized profuselyон рассыпался в извинениях
gen.he is sweating profuselyпот с него льётся градом
gen.he perspired profuselyон сильно пропотел
gen.he perspired profuselyон сильно вспотел
Gruzovik, inf.perspire profuselyразопревать
inf.perspire profuselyразопреть
Gruzovik, inf.perspire profuselyупотеть
gen.perspire profuselyсильно потеть
cliche.profusely apologizeрассыпаться в извинениях (On Friday, May 26 at around 3 a.m. a man broke into Sweet Something bakery. After cleaning up the glass from the door he broke to get in, he only took a half-dozen chocolate cupcakes (well, he took a few selfies on the store phone, but those stayed at the store). (...) But early this week it took another odd turn when the thief called the store. "He profusely apologized," says bakery owner Emma Irvine in a new video. "You could tell it was really sincere and he's offered to pay for the door and for the cupcakes." vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
gen.profusely decoratedпышно украшенный
libr.profusely illustratedобильно иллюстрированный
Gruzovik, inf.slobber profuselyрасслюнявиться
gen.sweat profuselyобильно потеть (dimock)
gen.sweat profuselyсильно потеть (dimock)
Gruzoviksweat profuselyвзмокнуть (pf of взмокать)
Gruzoviksweat profuselyвзмокать (impf of взмокнуть)
Makarov.sweat profuselyпропотеть (сильно вспотеть)
gen.sweat profuselyсильно вспотеть (dimock)
gen.sweat profuselyобильно вспотеть (dimock)
Makarov.talk profuselyразглагольствовать
gen.talk profuselyораторствовать (Taras)
gen.the book is profusely appendixedв книге масса приложений
gen.the bush blossoms all too profuselyкуст буйно цветёт
Makarov.this helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profuselyэто поможет вызреть новым растениям и привести к их обильному цветению