
Terms for subject Business containing producer | all forms | exact matches only
average producer priceсредняя цена производителя
co-producerвторой продюсер
Confederation of UK Coal ProducersБританская конфедерация производителей угля (Johnny Bravo)
decentralized producer goods purchaseдецентрализованные заготовки
Executive Producerрежиссёр-постановщик
extended producer responsibilityрасширенные обязательства производителей (

In the field of waste management, extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a strategy to add all of the environmental costs associated with a product throughout the product life cycle to the market price of that product.[1]Extended producer responsibility legislation is a driving force behind the adoption of remanufacturing initiatives because it "focuses on the end-of-use treatment of consumer products and has the primary aim to increase the amount and degree of product recovery and to minimize the environmental impact of waste materials".[2]

The concept was first formally introduced in Sweden by Thomas Lindhqvist in a 1990 report to the Swedish Ministry of the Environment.[3] In subsequent reports prepared for the Ministry, the following definition emerged: "[EPR] is an environmental protection strategy to reach an environmental objective of a decreased total environmental impact of a product, by making the manufacturer of the product responsible for the entire life-cycle of the product and especially for the take-back, recycling and final disposal.[4]

International Association of Oil & Gas producersМеждународная ассоциация поставщиков нефти и газа (Johnny Bravo)
large-scale producerкрупный производитель
liability of producerответственность производителя
mass producerизготовитель больших количеств товара
oil producersнефтяники (ranked the top 10 oil producers in the U.S. by market capitalization ART Vancouver)
producer aidсубсидия производителю
producer aidпомощь производителю
producer factoryзавод – изготовитель
producer goods delivery based on direct long lasting relationship with suppliersпоставка продукции по прямым длительным хозяйственным связям
producer goods turnover indicesдинамика товарооборота средств производства
producer groupпроизводственная группа
producer marketрынок производителя
producer organizationорганизация производителей
producer priceоптовая цена
producer priceцена фирмы-производителя
producer priceцена производителя
producer's incomeдоход производителя
producer's surplusприбыль производителя
producer subsidyсубсидия производителю
producer subsidyдотация производителю
set out to become a low-cost producerнамереваться стать низкозатратным производителем
the biggest producerкрупнейший производитель (dimock)