
Terms for subject Microsoft containing procedure | all forms | exact matches only
application installing the hook procedureприложение, устанавливающее процедуру-обработчик (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Article "%1!s!" can not be added, an indexed view published as 'indexed view logbased' and a stored procedure in either form of 'proc exec" can not be published if their common base table is also publishedСтатья "%1!s!" не может быть добавлена, а индексированное представление, опубликованное как "indexed view logbased", и хранимая процедура в любой форме "proc exec" не могут быть опубликованы, если их общая базовая таблица также опубликована (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
CLR stored procedureхранимая процедура CLR (A stored procedure created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR))
compiled stored procedureскомпилированная хранимая процедура (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
end of day procedureпроцедура закрытия дня (A retail accounting procedure for a register at the end of the business day)
end of day procedureпроцедура закрытия дня (A retail accounting procedure for a register at the end of the business day. Rori)
end of shift procedureпроцедура закрытия смены (A retail accounting procedure for the end of a cashier's shift)
event procedureпроцедура обработки событий (A procedure that is automatically executed in response to an event initiated by the user or program code, or that is triggered by the system)
extended stored procedureрасширенная хранимая процедура (A function in a dynamic link library (DLL) that is coded using the SQL Server Extended Stored Procedure API. The function can then be invoked from Transact-SQL using the same statements that are used to execute Transact-SQL stored procedures)
Function procedureфункция (A procedure that returns a value and that can be used in an expression. You declare a function with the Function statement and end it with the End Function statement)
global hook procedureглобальная процедура-обработчик (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
hook procedure addressадрес процедуры-обработчика
install the hook procedure address in the hook chainвыполнить установку адреса процедуры-обработчика в цепочку обработчиков (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
installation procedureпроцедура установки (PAYX)
installation procedureпроцесс установки (PAYX)
managed stored procedureуправляемая хранимая процедура (Alex_Odeychuk)
operator procedureпроцедура оператора (A series of Visual Basic statements that define the behavior of a standard operator (such as *, – or And) on a class or structure you have defined. This is also called operator overloading)
procedure entry pointточка входа в процедуру
procedure-level variableпеременная процедуры (A variable that is declared within a procedure. Procedure-level variables are always private to the procedure in which they are declared)
remote procedure callудалённый вызов процедур (RPC)
remote procedure callудалённый вызов процедур (A communication mechanism that allows computers to communicate with one another over a network. An RPC consists of a procedure identifier, parameters passed to the procedure, and a value returned to the caller (client computer) after the procedure has executed on the remote system (server computer); RPC)
remote stored procedureудалённая хранимая процедура (A stored procedure located on one instance of SQL Server that is executed by a statement on another instance of SQL Server)
remote stored procedureудалённая хранимая процедура (ssn)
replication merge admin stored procedureхранимая процедура администратора репликации (ssn)
Replication merge admin stored procedure "%1!s!" failed for publication "%2!s!"не удалось выполнить хранимую процедуру администратора репликации "%1!s!" для публикации "%2!s!" (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
stored procedureхранимая процедура (A precompiled collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed as a unit. They are stored in an SQL database and can be run with one call from an application)
stored procedure resolverарбитр конфликтов хранимых процедур (A program that is invoked to handle row change-based conflicts that are encountered in an article to which the resolver was registered.)
Sub procedureподпрограмма (A Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) procedure that carries out an operation, but unlike a Function procedure, does not return a value)
temporary stored procedureвременная хранимая процедура (A procedure placed in the temporary database, tempdb, and erased at the end of the session)
thread-specific hook procedureпроцедура-обработчик для определённых потоков (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
window procedureпроцедура окна (A function, called by the operating system, that controls the appearance and behavior of its associated windows. The procedure receives and processes all messages to these windows)