
Terms for subject General containing priced out | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
price oneself out of the marketотпугнуть потребителей высокими ценами
price oneself out of the marketоттолкнуть
price oneself out of the marketзавысить цены и потерять покупателей
price oneself way outзаломить слишком высокую цену (“How is this happening? Where’s the sense in all this? I just don’t understand. The landlords are pricing themselves way out where people are not going to be able to rent these places. So, eventually, these landlords are going to lose out.” (vancouver.citynews.ca) ART Vancouver)
price outвынудить уйти с рынка (напр., из-за высокой стоимости аренды – price them out of their land patches bellb1rd)
price out ofсделать недоступным (по цене: Price the working class out of the city and tax them to go into the city. Great idea! Send the working class to the valley so you can tax them with mobility pricing on their long commute to the city. ART Vancouver)
price yourself out of the marketзаламывать цену
priced outвытесненный с рынка в результате завышения цен (о потребителе DC)
priced out of reach forнедоступен кому-либо из-за высокой цены (someone raf)
they have priced book out of the marketэта книга сейчас мало кому по карману
they have priced the book out of the marketэта книга сейчас мало кому по карману