
Terms for subject Microsoft containing post | all forms | exact matches only
Edit Post Build Event TextТекст "Изменение события после построения" (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
Edit Post-Build Event TextИзменить текст события после построения (SQLStudioTools 11 ssn)
only post-build eventтолько событие после построения (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
page post backобратная отправка страницы (ssn)
page post back eventсобытие обратной отправки страницы (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
Post a noteсоздать заметку (The link someone clicks to leave a brief note on someone else's profile)
post and transferразнести и перенести (The process of making temporary transactions a part of the permanent ledger and updating accounts by transaction amounts, if the line is error-free)
Post Bill and AR adjustmentsкорректировки дебиторского долга и после выставления счёта (The total credits applied to a Windows Azure customer's account since a customer's last bill)
post-build eventсобытие после построения (ssn)
post-build event toolинструмент для события после построения (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Post currency exchange gain or lossРазнести прибыль или убыток по валютному курсу (Rori)
post-deployment scriptсценарий, выполняемый после развёртывания (A set of zero or more user-specified database scripts that are executed in a specific order after the database deployment script is executed)
post-eventсобытие после операции (Occurring after a core system operation has been completed)
post gradesвыставлять оценки (To publish grades and feedback so that they are available to students)
post-instrument eventсобытие после инструментирования (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Post journalsразнести журналы (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Post journals automatically when registrations are transferred.Автоматически разнести журналы при перемещении регистраций. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
post-milestone reviewанализ завершённого этапа (The review of work products associated with key milestones to confirm quality and effective project processes. -)
Post Office Protocol version 3протокол POP3 (An Internet standard protocol that allows a user to download e-mail from his or her inbox on a server to the client computer where messages are managed. This protocol works well for computers that are unable to maintain a continuous connection to a server)
post on Facebookопубликовать в Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook)
post on Facebookопубликовать на Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook)
post-operational workflowотложенный бизнес-процесс (A workflow that is asynchronous or that starts at a later time, but does not have to wait for a previous workflow to finish)
post-pixel blendingпост-пиксельное смешение (In computer graphics, a series of operations that manipulate how images are rendered)
Post reported as finished in ledger?Выполнить разноску приёмки в ГК? (в главную книгу – Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
POST requestзапрос POST (Visual Studio, Exchange Server Rori)
Post Rule ConfigurationsКонфигурации правил записи (Tab on the Records section of the ribbon in CRM that contains the controls for setting the rules about how posts are handled for Yammer)
post-scan instructionsинструкции для обработки после сканирования (The instructions for the Distributed Scan Server to process the scanned images upon receipt. Includes which filters to run and any filter-specific attributes)
post-scan processпроцесс обработки после сканирования (All the information created to accomplish an enterprise scan. It includes a destination server, scan ticket and post-scan instructions)
post-scan process filterфильтр процесса обработки после сканирования (A processing unit on the Distributed Scan Server that is called by the post scan-instructions to process each file as requested and log the results)
post toопубликовать на (A UI option to share a message on Windows Live, Facebook, or both)
Product Evaluation Post Launchотслеживание жизненного цикла продукта (A template that will walk you through key areas of evaluating a product's performance after it has been placed in the marketplace)
Run the post-build eventВыполнить событие, наступающее после построения (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Run the post-build eventВыполнить событие после построения (SQLStudioTools 11 ssn)
the POST request body should be non-emptyТекст запроса POST не должен быть пустым (Visual Studio)