
Terms for subject Disapproving containing pony | all forms | exact matches only
dog and pony showпредставление (pejorative – a highly promoted, often over-staged performance, presentation, or event used mainly for promotion or to drive sales: They put on a whole dog and pony show for the investors, but I'm not sure they've convinced anyone. • They put on a dog and pony show in the hope of attracting new investors. 4uzhoj)
dog and pony showпостановка (т.е. постановочное мероприятие: The protest was just a dog and pony show designed to bring in the media. 4uzhoj)
put on a whole dog-and-pony showразыграть целое представление (They put on a whole dog and pony show for the investors, but I'm not sure they've convinced anyone. 4uzhoj)