
Terms containing political convention | all forms | in specified order only
org.name.Convention on the Political Rights of WomenКонвенция о политических правах женщин
UN, policehigh-level political conference for the purpose of signing the United Nations convention against corruptionПолитическая конференция высокого уровня для подписания конвенции Организации Объединённых Наций против коррупции
foreig.aff.International Convention on Civil and Political RightsМеждународная конвенция о гражданских и политических правах (taboon)
lawpolitical conventionполитический обычай (Conventions are rules that are politically but not legally binding. They are binding primarily by virtue of their acceptance by those in power. (The term "convention" literally means a 'coming together'). Conventions play a central part in the constitution. They deal with fundamental matters concerning the distribution of power and government accountability, for example the principle that the monarch must act on the advice of ministers is a convention. Thus conventions may adjust the legal rules to the political reality. NSamusev)
cinemapolitical conventionконвенция политической партии
dipl.political conventionсоглашение по политическим вопросам
lawpolitical conventionполитическая традиция (NSamusev)