
Terms containing plain as the nose on face | all forms
proverbas plain as the nose on a man's faceясно как 6елый день
proverbas plain as the nose on a man's faceтак же очевидно, как нос – на лице
proverbas plain as the nose on a man's faceясно, как день (дословно: Так же очевидно, как нос-на лице)
inf.as plain as the nose on every faceсовершенно ясно (The answer to that mathematical problem was as plain as the nose on every face-two hundred. Ответ в той математической задаче был совершенно ясен-двести. Interex)
gen.as plain as the nose on one's faceежу понятно
Makarov.as plain as the nose on one's faceсовершенно ясно
gen.as plain as the nose on one's faceясный как день
Makarov.as plain as the nose on your faceясный как день
Makarov.as plain as the nose on your faceочевидный
gen.as plain as the nose on your faceсовершенно ясно, как на ладони
Makarov.as plain as the nose on your faceсовершенно ясно
idiom.as plain as the nose on your faceкак дважды два (Taras)
proverbas plain as the nose on your faceясно как день
proverbas plain as the nose on your faceкак дважды два четыре
inf.as plain as the nose on your faceпростой как три копейки (Анна Ф)
Makarov.as plain as the nose on your faceкак на ладони
gen.as plain as the nose on your faceежу понятно (Anglophile)
idiom.it is as plain as the nose on one's faceэто ясно как день (LiBrrra)
gen.it is as plain as the nose on one's faceэто ясно как день
gen.it's as plain as the nose on your faceэто и ежу понятно (Anglophile)
gen.plain as the nose on one's faceясный как день
gen.as plain as the nose on one's faceясно как божий день
gen.plain as the nose on one's faceсовершенно ясно
gen.plain as the nose on one's faceежу понятно
gen.plain as the nose on your faceдаже ёжику понятно (It's as plain as Alexander Demidov)