
Terms for subject Real estate containing place | all forms | exact matches only
place utilities in one's nameрегистрируется ИЛИ указывает себя в качестве плательщика коммунальных услуг
place on the marketвыставить на продажу (земельный участок: The site’s value is currently assessed at $98 million and is home to a seven-storey building constructed in 1980, according to BC Assessment. The site will be placed on the market after Feb. 24. (biv.com) ART Vancouver)
unit-in-place methodметод разбивки по компонентам (The unit-in-place method is a modification of the quantity survey method. Cost of labor, materials, overhead, and profit are combined into a unit cost for each portion of the building. Cost per square foot for roofs and walls, and linear foot costs of foundation walls are examples of the unit-in-place method. This method helps the appraiser compute the cost of a building when the comparative method is not practical. pickensassessor.org aldrignedigen)