
Terms containing percent complete | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
O&G, casp.guide to percent completeруководство по процентам выполнения (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ITninety percent complete problemпроблема 90%-й готовности (о несвоевременном перераспределении ресурсов программирования в крупных проектах)
SAP.tech.percent completeстепень обработки
comp., MSpercent completeпроцент завершения (A field that you use to enter or display how much of a task has been completed. This value is expressed as the percentage of the task duration that has been completed)
manag.percent completeдоля завершённой работы в процентах (Dashout)
comp., MSpercent work completeпроцент завершения по трудозатратам (A percentage value that indicates the current status of a task, resource, or assignment, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed)
comp., MSphysical percent completeфизический процент завершения (An alternative value to Percent [%] Complete or Percent [%] Work Complete that you enter per task. This may be useful when analyzing project performance through such means as variance analysis or earned value analysis)
econ.physical percent completeпроцент выполнения работ по какому-либо мероприятию (The percentage of the work content of an activity that has been achieved Millie)