
Terms for subject Religion containing patriarch | all forms | exact matches only
antediluvian patriarchsпатриархи от Адама до Ноя
antediluvian patriarchsпатриархи времён до Всемирного потопа (Patriarchs from Adam to Noah)
Ecumenical PatriarchВселенский патриарх (Патриарх Константинопольский)
Encyclical of the PatriarchsЭнциклика Патриархов (An open letter to the Orthodox world criticizing papal ambitions to exercise authority over the universal Catholic Church. It was written together by the patriarchs of Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Constantinople inl848)
His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All AfricaБлаженнейший Папа и Патриарх Александрийский и всей Африки (bookworm)
His Holiness Alexis II Patriarch of Moscow and All Russiaсвятейший патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II (Tatyana Ugr)
His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and all RussiaЕго Святейшество Патриарх Московский и всея Руси
Limbo of the Patriarchsчистилище Отцов праведных, до Христа живших
Limbo of the Patriarchsчистилище Патриархов
Moscow patriarchМосковский патриарх (my-era.ru)
Patriarch of Antioch and all the EastПатриарх Антиохийский и всего Востока
"Ecumenical" Patriarch of Constantinopleконстантинопольский патриарх (mayeristvan)
"Ecumenical" Patriarch of ConstantinopleВселенский патриарх (mayeristvan)
Patriarch of RomeПапа Римский
patriarch of the Assyrian church of the eastпатриарх ассирийской церкви востока
patriarch of the Assyrian church of the eastкатоликос
Patriarch of the Ethiopian ChurchПатриарх Эфиопской Церкви
Patriarch's Sacristyризница Патриарха (slitely_mad)
Patriarch's Sacristyпатриаршая ризница (slitely_mad)
Patriarch Sacristyризница Патриарха (slitely_mad)
the Patriarch Sacristyпатриаршая ризница (slitely_mad)
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all ArmeniansВерховный Патриарх и Католикос всех армян
Testaments of the Twelve PatriarchsЗавет 12 патриархов (Pseudepigraphal work purporting to present the last words of the 12 sons of Jacob - founders of the 12 tribes of Israel; it is an imitation of the "blessing of Jacob" described in chapter 49 of Genesis)