
Terms for subject Informal containing parking | all forms | exact matches only
get parkingпоставить машину (в знач. "найти место для парковки": There's a couple of coffee shops just at the top. There's one at either end – depends where you can get parking. • Southbourne is usually much quieter although getting parking can be tricky. • There is huge space for parking, though getting parking can be a bit tough on weekends. 4uzhoj)
get parkingприпарковаться (в знач. "найти место для парковки": There's a couple of coffee shops just at the top. There's one at either end – depends where you can get parking. • Southbourne is usually much quieter although getting parking can be tricky. 4uzhoj)
lantern parkingавтомобильная стоянка под открытым небом
park itсядь (VLZ_58)
park upприпарковаться (to put a vehicle in a particular place for a period of time: There was a police car parked up outside the warehouse. • I couldn't get parked up anywhere near the restaurant. • I parked up the moped and waited at the crossroads. Taras)
park upпоставить машину (в знач. "припарковаться": We parked up near the customs office and got our paperwork done ready for the morning. • We parked up near the the yacht club and went for ice creams. 4uzhoj)
park up behindпристроиться за (впереди стоящей машиной: The convoy stopped at the block, and Packie parked up behind. 4uzhoj)
parking lightподфарок (= подфарник)
parking wardenпарковочный инспектор (Parking wardens are responsible for issuing infringement notices (fines) for illegal parking and vehicle offences such as unregistered cars. КГА)