
Terms for subject Microsoft containing p | all forms | exact matches only
p-codep-код (A machine language for a nonexistent processor (a pseudomachine). Such code is executed by a software interpreter)
P2 headerзаголовок P2 (A hidden section of an e-mail message. From the time a message is first created, information about it is added to the message header, including technical details, such as who created the message and the software used to compose it)
P1 headerзаголовок P1 (" The information contained in an e-mail message that is required to send and deliver a message between messaging servers by using SMTP protocol commands. The message envelope contains the sender e-mail address and the recipient e-mail address information. Recipients never see the message envelope, because it is not part of the message content, and it is discarded when the message reaches its destination. The X.400 messaging standard equivalent to the message envelope is called the "P1 header." The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header.")
P&L statementотчёт о прибылях и убытках
P3Pспецификация P3P (An open privacy specification developed and administered by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that, when implemented, enables people to make informed decisions about how they want to share personal information with websites)
P2P shareодноранговый доступ к файлам (A folder or directory used by peer-to-peer file-sharing software as a destination for receiving files from other users or a source from which other users may download files. Rori)
P2P shareодноранговый доступ к файлам (A folder or directory used by peer-to-peer file-sharing software as a destination for receiving files from other users or a source from which other users may download files)
P2V conversionпреобразование P2V (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")