
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing outside | all forms | exact matches only
color outside the linesнарушать общепринятые правила (YGD)
color outside the linesне соблюдать правила (YGD)
get outside ofпостичь (что-либо)
get outside ofпроникнуть (в суть дела)
get outside ofразобраться (в вопросе и т.п.)
get outside ofовладеть (какими-либо навыками)
outside the boxдействовать вне рамок (VasDoc)
think outside the boxмыслить нестандартно (Thinking outside the box (also thinking out of the box or thinking beyond the box and, especially in Australia, thinking outside the square) is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel or creative thinking. wikipedia.org VasDoc)
think outside the boxмыслить незаурядно (We need to think outside the box if we are going to come up with something really new. Val_Ships)