
Terms for subject Microsoft containing organizational | all forms | exact matches only
organizational accountУчётная запись в организации (A user account assigned by an organization (work, school, non-profit) to one of their constituents (an employee, student, customer) that provides sign in access to one or more of the organization's Microsoft cloud service subscriptions, such as Office 365 or Windows Azure. These accounts are stored in an organization's cloud directory (also known as Windows Azure Active Directory), and are typically deleted when the user leaves the organization. Organizational accounts differ from Microsoft accounts in that they are created and managed by admins in the organization, not by the user)
organizational chartорганизационная диаграмма (A diagram that is used to show hierarchical relationships; for example, company management and employee structures)
organizational forest modelмодель леса организации (в среде Active Directory microsoft.com bojana)
Organizational Health reportотчёт о работоспособности организации (A report that provides you a quick view of your organization and its operating characteristics. This includes health and licensing information, and also a summary of the Exchange servers and recipients)
organizational unitподразделение (A type of entry that is used specifically for storing information on a section of an organization. It can represent a department or a group of people, for example, ou = Accounting Dept)
Specify an Organizational Unit rather than using a default oneУкажите подразделение организации, не используйте указанное по умолчанию (Exchange Server 2010 Andy)