
Terms for subject Microsoft containing order | all forms | exact matches only
A function that swaps the order of two values in a tuple.Функция, меняющая местами два значения в кортеже (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
be an order of magnitude faster thanбыть на порядок быстрее, чем (Alex_Odeychuk)
byte order markметка порядка байтов (A Unicode character used to indicate that text is encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32. vlad-and-slav)
expected purchase order net amountожидаемая чистая сумма заказа на покупку (The anticipated currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order Net unit price Invoice quantity)
in the order in whichв том порядке, в котором (All columns affected by the delete, insert, or update action will be returned in the order in which they exist in the table. — Все столбцы, затронутые операцией удаления, вставки или обновления, будут возвращены в том порядке, в котором они хранятся в таблице.)
intercompany purchase order invoiceнакладная на внутрихолдинговый заказ на покупку (A purchase order invoice that is created from an intercompany purchase order and posted to an intercompany account)
Internet Order QuantityОбъем заказов через Интернет (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
job order costingпозаказная калькуляция себестоимости (A costing method that uses production orders to assign incurred production costs to specific jobs)
Mark order as voidedпометить заказ как аннулированный (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
order discountскидка по заказу (A fixed amount or percentage deducted that applies to an order total)
order entryввод заказа (A method of capturing sales orders and purchase orders using a software application)
order headerзаголовок заказа (The part of a sales order or purchase order that applies to the entire order)
order IDномер заказа (A number that the system assigns to an order for identification purposes)
order lineстрока заказа (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
Order pickingКомплектация по заказу (harser)
pre-order traversalобход в прямом порядке (The act of recursively traversing a non-empty binary tree by visiting the root node first, then the left subtree, then the right subtree)
production order lineстрока производственного заказа (The part of a production order that specifies the parent item to be produced)
purchase order discountскидка по заказу на покупку (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a purchase order)
purchase order line net amountчистая сумма строки заказа на покупку (The expected currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) – Trade agreement discount + Purchase miscellaneous charge)
purchase order net unit priceчистая цена за единицу заказа на покупку (The expected currency amount per unit that is represented by the purchase order, calculated as follows: Purchase order line net amount / Quantity on the purchase order)
purchase order overdelivery percentageпроцент перепоставки заказа на покупку (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to exceed the purchase order quantity)
purchase order overdelivery percentageпроцент перепоставки по заказу на покупку (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to exceed the purchase order quantity)
purchase order policyполитика по заказам на покупку (A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase order terms and to control order processing)
purchase order underdelivery percentageпроцент недопоставки по заказу на покупку (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to be less than the purchase order quantity)
purchase order underdelivery percentageпроцент недопоставки заказа на покупку (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to be less than the purchase order quantity)
rough order-of-magnitude estimateгрубая оценка (An estimate done without detailed costing, or based on initial or incomplete data. It estimates the general size and scope of a project)
rough order-of-magnitude estimateгрубая оценка (An estimate done without detailed costing, or based on initial or incomplete data. It estimates the general size and scope of a project. Rori)
sales order discountскидка по заказу на продажу (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a sales order)
sales order lineстрока заказа на продажу (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
sales order policyполитика по заказам на продажу (A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales order terms and to control order processing and payment processes)
service order lineстрока сервисного заказа (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service. Rori)
service order lineстрока заказа на обслуживание (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
the anticipated currency amount for a purchase order lineОжидаемая сумма валюты для строки заказа на продажу (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
the order in whichпорядок, в котором (There is no guarantee that the order in which the changes are applied to the table and the order in which the rows are inserted into the output table or table variable will correspond.)
there must be at least one distribution database in order to add a Publisherдля добавления Издателя должна быть, по крайней мере, одна база данных распространителя (SQL Server 2012)
transfer order lineстрока заказа на перемещение (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)