
Terms for subject Microsoft containing operations manager | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Microsoft Operations Manager agentагент Microsoft Operations Manager (The agent installed on a computer to monitor it)
Operations Manager databaseбаза данных Operations Manager (A SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 database, named OperationsManager by default, which stores configuration data, operations data, and security data)
Operations Manager Health Explorerанализатор работоспособности Operations Manager (A feature of Operations Manager that allows you to view and then take action on alerts, state changes, and other significant issues generated by monitoring objects on your network)
Operations Manager objectобъект MOM (A member of a class of elements managed by Operations Manager. For example, an Operations Manager Computer object could refer to a particular computer that is a member of the Operations Manager Computer class)
Operations Manager Shellоболочка Operations Manager (A customized instance of Windows PowerShell that provides a collection of Operations Manager-specific cmdlets)