
Terms for subject General containing old-age retirement pension | all forms | in specified order only
expected period of payment of an old-age retirement pensionожидаемый период выплаты трудовой пенсии по старости (ABelonogov)
old-age retirement pensionтрудовая пенсия по старости (If I understand you correctly, you are asking whether a UK state (DPS) old age retirement pension is considered by Uncle Sam to be ... | asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance the estimated loss in purchasing power of the old-age retirement pension since the date of the last ... | What does OAP pension "related to earnings" mean? The old age retirement pension will rise in accordance with earnings. Alexander Demidov)
rate of the basic component of an old-age retirement pensionразмер базовой части трудовой пенсии по старости (ABelonogov)
right to the early grant of an old-age retirement pensionправо на досрочное назначение трудовой пенсии по старости (ABelonogov)