
Terms for subject General containing oil engine | all forms | in specified order only
compressor/engine oil drainдренаж масла компрессора / двигателя
compressor/engine oil make-upподпитка масла компрессора / двигателя
day tank engine oil & compressor frame oilрезервуар дневного расхода масла двигателя и масла рамы компрессора (eternalduck)
engine oilмашинное масло (Oil used for the bearing lubrication of all types of engines, machines, and shafting and for cylinder lubrication in other than steam engines. MHST: The Spectro technicians also use viscometers to test the viscosity of engine oil. Then that mixture of gasoline and oil would seep down into the crankcase, diluting the engine oil even further. Floors were reportedly awash with engine oil, and standard safety procedures were said to have been ignored. WordHippo Alexander Demidov)
engine oilмасло двигателя (Oil within the engine used to lubricate the moving components. At one time the oil was a single grade, but modern engines use a multigrade oil. DAT: I informed the pilot there was a large slick of engine oil down the starboard pylon. Remote drains for engine oil, hydraulic oil, and engine coolant are grouped in one location for convenience. I bought diesel, petrol, meths, engine oil, kindling and even a light sprinkling of gunpowder. WH Alexander Demidov)
engine oilмашинное масло
engine oil & comp. frame oil supply headerколлектор подачи масла двигателя и масла рамы компрессора (eternalduck)
engine oil drainдренаж масла двигателя (eternalduck)
engine oil inletвходное отверстие масла двигателя (eternalduck)
engine oil systemблок маслообеспечения двигателя (Alexander Demidov)
get the garage to run the oil in your engine offпусть в гараже сольют масло из двигателя
oil engineнефтяной двигатель
oil engineдвигатель на тяжёлом топливе
the oil was oozing from the engineиз двигателя текло масло
this engine is too heavy on oilэтот двигатель "съедает" много бензина