
Terms for subject General containing off- site | all forms | in specified order only
off-siteза пределами площадки (система связи)
off-siteвыездной (DC)
off-siteсторонний (Atenza)
off-siteне на площадке (away from the principle area of activity Example Sentences Including "off-site" Conflicts arise more commonly due to degradation of the land base and off-site problems. Cloke, Paul J (ed) RURAL LAND-USE PLANNING IN DEVELOPED NATIONS Esso funded the work, including off-site analysis, and made sure that the local community was kept informed. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (1999) How to kill off-site manufacturing with kindness England is building 130,000 new homes a year. SPIKED (2004) Mr Kempton said the project has involved more than 1000 people, including the specialists working off-site. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL (2005) Weighing about 36 000 tons, the bridge was assembled as much as possible off-site. SA STAR (2004) When senior nurses express their concerns about trolley waits to their off-site managers, the solution (you've guessed it) is more trolleys. GLASGOW HERALD (2002) (Collins) Alexander Demidov)
off-site buildingстроительство из готовых элементов, сборное домостроение (makron08)
off-site facilitiesобъекты общезаводского хозяйства (kanareika)
off-site impact criteriaкритерии воздействия за пределами площадки (Yuliya13)
off-target siteнеспецифичная последовательность в геноме, с которой может, но не должна связываться направляющая РНК (immergruen)