
Terms containing off the face of the earth | all forms | in specified order only
gen.disappear off the face of the earthисчезнуть с лица земли (chaffinch)
idiom.fall off the face of the earthисчезнуть (joyand)
relig.from off the face of the earthс лица земли
Makarov.off the face of the earthс лица земли
idiom.wipe off from the face of the earthсмести с лица земли (to totally eliminate, eradicate, or destroy someone or something)
idiom.wipe off from the face of the Earthсмести с лица Земли
idiom.wipe off from the face of the earthстереть с лица земли (to totally eliminate, eradicate, or destroy someone or something)
idiom.wipe off from the face of the earthстереть с лица земли
idiom.wipe off the face of the earthстереть с лица земли
mil.wiped off from the face of the Earthсметённый с лица Земли
mil.wiping off from the face of the Earthсметающий с лица Земли
mil.wiping off from the face of the Earthсметание с лица Земли