
Terms for subject Medical containing of you | all forms
are you a friend of mine or not?друг ты мне или нет?
I urge you to take care of your healthя убедительно прошу вас заботиться о своём здоровье (Goplisum)
loss of benefits to which you are entitledутрата имеющихся у Вас преимуществ (amatsyuk)
loss of benefits to which you are entitledутрата имеющихся у Вас прав на льготы (amatsyuk)
loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitledутрата имеющихся у Вас прав на льготы (amatsyuk)
loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitledутрата имеющихся у Вас преимуществ (amatsyuk)
when you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebrasне стоит искать чего-то сверхъестественного вместо вероятной и очевидной причины (An outlandish or unlikely diagnosis. A medical school aphorism holds, "If you're walking down Fifth Avenue and you hear hoofbeats, you think of horses, not zebras", meaning that a common diagnosis is more likely to be correct than a rare one: An adolescent female patient presents with a three-week history of headache, fatigue, and intermittent fevers but was historically healthy. The physical exam was unremarkable and aside from the occasional fevers, the only symptom of note was that she was pale in color. The zebra could have been meningitis or a brain tumor — and the inexperienced practitioner would order thousands of dollars of tests and subject the patient to multiple procedures. But a routine blood count showed that she was simply anemic — the horse — and just needed extra iron. The rule: Think horse without ruling out zebras. Elena_afina)