
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing of kind | all forms
all kind of scumbagsвсякая шушера (go into private practice and defend all kind of scumbags Val_Ships)
climb through six kinds of hellпройти шесть кругов ада (I've climbed through six kinds of hell to get where I am Taras)
have all kinds of moneyденег куры не клюют (Anglophile)
kind ofв некотором роде (kind of sneaked up on us Val_Ships)
kind ofпожалуй (it's kind of late to begin Val_Ships)
one of a kindне имеющий себе равных (Val_Ships)
one of a kindнеобыкновенный (He was an extraordinary person – absolutely one of a kind. Val_Ships)
one of a kindединственный в своём роде (the only item of a particular type Val_Ships)
one of a kindисключительный (о человеке Val_Ships)
the figures break down into several kinds, showing us different ways of looking at the firm's activitiesЦифры можно сгруппировать по-разному и с разных точек зрения смотреть на деятельность фирмы
two of a kindочень похожи (по характеру, привычкам; Jack and Tom are two of a kind. They're both ambitious. Val_Ships)
two of a kindпохожи как две капли воды (the guys looked like two of a kind, almost like brothers Val_Ships)
two of a kindкак два сапога пара (a look-alike Val_Ships)
two of a kindсхожи друг с другом (Jack and Tom are two of a kind. They're both ambitious.; по характеру, привычкам Val_Ships)