
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing of a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a place at the edge of a river where laundry is rinsedпортомой
all of a suddenвнезапно
all of a suddenвнезапу
at the scene of a murderна крови
be at the bedside of a dying personпринять последний вздох
blow on the back with the flat side of a saberфухтель
blow on the back with the flat side of a saber or sword bladeфухтель
blow on the back with the flat side of a sword bladeфухтель
canopy over the head of a bedнадглавье
chief town of a districtуездный город
commander of a regimentполковник
cut the body of a person into quartersчетверить (as a way of execution; = четвертовать)
driver of a troikaтроечник (извозчик, ямщик, ездящий на тройке)
duty of a foremanфакторство
eighth of a poundвосьмушка
end of a fieldвсполье (VLZ_58)
eve of a trade fairподторжье (канун ярмарки, базара)
fancy dress consisting of a cloak and hoodкапуцинка (= капуцин)
fancy dress consisting of a cloak and hoodкапуцин
fancy dress consisting of a cloak and hoodкапуцин (= капуцин)
flat side of a saberфухтель
flat side of a saber or sword bladeфухтель
flat side of a sword bladeфухтель
foreman of a printing officeфактор
fortieth day's obit after the death of a personсороковины (= сорочины)
fund for the support of a priest given by parishioners in money or in kindруга
fund for the support of a priestруга (given by parishioners in money or in kind)
go off in search of a livingуходить на заработки
gold coin with a representation of a headлобанчик
gold coin with a representation of a headлобанчик
graduate of a law schoolправовед
half of a smoked, dried, or salted birdполоток
half of a carcassпо́лоть
half of a carcassполть (= по́лоть)
half of a dried birdполоток
half of a dried fishполоток
half of a smoked, dried, or salted fishполоток
half of a salted birdполоток
half of a salted fishполоток
half of a smoked birdполоток
half of a smoked fishполоток
handle of a lanceратовье (= ратовище)
handle of a lanceратовье
handle of a lanceратовище
head of a department in czarist Russiaстолоначальник
head of a "desk" in czarist Russiaстолоначальник
head of a "desk in civil service"повытчик
head of a "desk" in civil serviceповытчик
hundredth part of a vedroсотка (of vodka, etc)
in the turning of a handвмиг
inhabitant of a settlementслобожанин (Anglophile)
instigator of a fightзадирщик
instigator of a fightзадирщица
inventory of a trousseauрядная
inventory of a trousseauрядная цена
lack of a rulerбесцарствие
leader of a choirголовщик
learned circles of a societyобразованные слои общества (Ivan Pisarev)
learned circles of a societyобразованные круги общества (Ivan Pisarev)
leathern folding top of a carriageзамёт
long overcoat of a specific cutдипломат
manager of a householdэконом
member of a clanродович
member of a different nationalityчужеплеменник
member of a different tribeчужеплеменник
member of a familyсемьянин
member of a familyродович
member of a peasant communeобщественник
member of a peasant communeобщественница
member of a sectсогласница
member of a sectсогласник
member of a sectсектатор (= сектант)
member of a wedding processionпоезжанка
member of a wedding processionпоезжанин
member of a wedding processionпоезжанин
motion of a planetдирекция планеты
narrow hole at the base of a structureподлаз
narrow passage at the base of a structureподлаз
narrow passage or hole at the base of a structureподлаз
occupation of a coachmanямщичество (= ямщина)
occupation of a coachmanямщина
of a courtсудный
office of a chiefначальничество
old coin worth 1/4 of a kopeckполушка
one in charge of a post officeпочтдиректор
one of a pairдруж (fem)
one of a pairдружка (fem)
operation of a tavernшинкарство
overseer of a printing officeфактор
owner of a merry-go-roundкарусельщик
owner of a textile millмануфактурист
owner of a textile millмануфактурщик
position of a grandeeвельможество
proprietor of a wine cellarпогребщик
proprietress of a sweetshopкондитерша
quarter of a poundчетвёрка
quarter the body of a personчетверить (as a way of execution; = четвертовать)
reach some agreement as a result of a long litigationдотягаться
reach some agreement as a result of a long litigationдотягать
rifle support in the form of a crossбатожок
second articulation of a bird's wingпапороток (= папоротка)
second articulation of a bird's wingпапоротка
second articulation of a bird's wingпапороток
second articulation of a bird's wingпапоротка
skin of a still-born lambмерлушка (Anglophile)
soldier of a military trainфурштат
son of a Ukrainianхохлёнок
spirits of a frozen liquorвыморозки
student of a law schoolправовед
the life of a peasantкрестьянство
title of a grandeeвельможество
unmarried daughter of a noblemanбарышня
wife of a chiefголовиха
wife of a grain dealerлабазница
wife of a headmanголовиха
wife of a landless peasantбобылиха (бобыль – в Российском государстве до 1917 г. безземельный крестьянин)
wife of a merchantкупчиха (Anglophile)
wife of a noncommissioned officerунтер-офицерша
wife of a Polish landownerпанья
wife of a secretaryсекретарша
wife of a secretaryсекретарша
wife of a tavern keeperкабачница (= кабатчица)
wife of a tavern keeperшинкарка
wife of a tax farmerоткупщица