
Terms for subject Microsoft containing notification | all forms | exact matches only
alter any event notificationизменение любого уведомления о событии (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Altstoff Recycling Austria AG notificationуведомление ARA (A report of packaging materials used for manufactured products, as required by Austrian regulation. Altstoff Recycling Austria AG is an Austrian waste management organization that collects and recycles packaging material)
any event notificationлюбое уведомление о событии (ssn)
ARA notificationARA-уведомление (A report of packaging materials used for manufactured products, as required by Austrian regulation. Altstoff Recycling Austria AG is an Austrian waste management organization that collects and recycles packaging material)
balloon notificationвсплывающее уведомление (Andy)
cache notificationуведомление кэша (An asynchronous notification that can be triggered by a variety of cache operations on the cache cluster. Cache notifications can be used to invoke application methods or automatically invalidate locally cached objects)
delivery status notificationуведомление о доставке (A notification made up of a DSN code and a DSN message, that reports the result of an attempt to deliver an e-mail message)
Dirty Notification Batch Sizeразмер пакета "грязных" уведомлений (System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 Rori)
e-mail notificationотправляемое по электронной почте уведомление (A message automatically generated by the occurrence of an event)
End-User Spam Notificationуведомление пользователя о спаме (An email message that contains a spam report for individual users who don't have access to quarantine or the junk email folder)
event notificationуведомление о событии (A special kind of trigger that sends information about database events to a service broker)
event notificationsуведомления о событиях (DacFx 3.5 ssn)
failure notificationуведомление об ошибках (A type of cache notification triggered when the cache client misses one or more cache notifications)
HTML notificationHTML-уведомление (An HTML e-mail reminder that gives users a snapshot of the new spam messages delivered to their Spam Quarantine mailbox since their last notification, or since the last time they logged in to Spam Quarantine, whichever is most recent. From this reminder e-mail, users can scan the list of messages that have been filtered and salvage messages or report them as false positives directly from the notification)
message disposition notificationуведомление о состоянии сообщения (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)
Microsoft SQL Server Notification Servicesслужбы Microsoft SQL Server Notification Services (A Microsoft SQL Server add-in that provides a development framework and hosting server for building and deploying notification applications)
missed call notificationуведомление о пропущенном звонке (An e-mail message that is sent to a Unified Messaging subscriber that indicates that someone called but did not leave a message)
missed call notificationуведомление о пропущенном вызове
notification activityактивность уведомления (" A workflow activity within the action phase of request processing in which ILM "2" sends e-mails to one or more users to notify them of the request.")
notification addressадрес для уведомления (System Center Service Manager 2012 Rori)
Notification APIAPI уведомления (A Windows API that is used for sending user notifications to the system, such as telling the system that the user is busy. It provides intelligence regarding when to draw a notification or perform some other custom action, and mechanisms for anchoring these notifications around the system)
notification areaобласть уведомлений (The area on the right side of the Windows taskbar. It contains shortcuts to programs and important status information)
Notification barпанель уведомлений (A bar at the bottom of the Internet Explorer view pane that alerts the user to status changes and provides possible actions the user can take)
notification channelканал уведомлений (A shareable, server-side object capable of routing notifications from a server to appropriately registered clients)
notification countчисло уведомлений (A number in the app bar to indicate that the user needs to take some action (such as an alert or a reminder) or that new activity has occurred (such as new mail))
notification eventсобытие уведомления (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
notification event typeтип события уведомления (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Notification Language optionпараметр "Язык уведомлений" (The option on the Spam Filter page for selecting a language other than English for Spam Quarantine notifications. Rori)
notification messageсообщение уведомления (A human-readable message sent by the backend system to the client user)
notification stateсостояние уведомления (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
notification subscriberподписчик уведомлений (The user who receives notifications)
notification subscriber addressадрес подписчика уведомлений (A package that contains information about how to reach a particular user. It includes items such as the protocol to use and the target address)
notification subscriptionподписка на уведомления (A package that contains the notification subscriber, the notification subscriber address, and any additional information, such as when to send specific types of notifications)
notification systemсистема отправки уведомлений (Andy)
Printer Notificationвывод уведомления через печать (Stasy_B)
push notificationизвещающее уведомление (В Windows 8. Вижу возмущения в комментариях, но не вижу смысла менять статью, т.к. этот перевод взят из терминологической базы Майкрософта и фактически используется в Windows, кому-то может понадобиться использовать именно его. Enotte)
push notificationspush-уведомления (The sound alerts, alerts on screen (text), and badges that are pushed by applications to a device. For the Windows Phone, push notifications are available through the Lync Server Push Notification Service. For the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, notifications are available through the Apple Push Notification Service)
raw notificationнеобработанное уведомление (A type of notification sent via the Microsoft Push Notification Service to an app running on Windows Phone. The format and meaning of the data is determined by the app)
recurring notificationповторяющееся уведомление (A repeating type of notification that is based on a specified time interval)
Screen Notificationвывод уведомления на экран (Stasy_B)
server event notificationsуведомления о событиях сервера (DacFx 3.5 ssn)
Software notificationsУведомления о программном обеспечении (Windows 7 ssn)
SPP Notification Serviceслужба уведомления SPP (A Windows service that provides software licensing activation and notification)
text notificationтекстовое уведомление (A type of text e-mail reminder that includes a URL and brief instructions for the user about how to log on and view the spam that was sent to that user's address. This text is customizable on the Spam Filter page)
thread that is waiting for notification of a change in the object's stateпоток, ожидающий уведомления об изменении состояния объекта (Alex_Odeychuk)
tile notificationуведомление на плитке (источник – языковой портал Microsoft microsoft.com svh)
toast notificationвсплывающее уведомление (A transient message to the user that contains relevant, time-sensitive information and provides quick access to the subject of that content in an app. It can appear whether you are in another app, the Start screen, or on the desktop. Toasts are an optional part of the app experience and are intended to be used only when your app is not the active foreground app. A toast notification can contain text and images but secondary actions such as buttons are not supported)
user event notificationsуведомления о пользовательских событиях (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
video quality notificationsуведомления о качестве видео (Alerts to Lync users about the quality of the network, computer, camera, and lighting conditions)
WGA Notificationsуведомления программы Windows Genuine Advantage (Notifications that indicate a new installation of Windows did not pass validation)
Windows Push Notification Serviceслужба push-уведомлений Windows (The feature of Windows for sending tile updates and notifications to users)
Windows Push Notifications Keep Alive Detectorсредство проверки активности для push-уведомлений Windows (Windows Push Notifications (WNS) component that analyses network conditions and determines an optimal ping interval to keep the connection alive)