
Terms for subject Informal containing newspaper | all forms | exact matches only
all the newspapers are screaming about itвсе газеты об этом кричат
buy a sub to the newspaperподписаться на газету (Anglophile)
daily newspaperежедневка
employee of the "Pravda" newspaperправдист
employee of the "Pravda" newspaperправдистка
employee of the "Pravda" newspaperправдист
evening newspaperвечеринка
evening newspaperвечерка
evening newspaperвече́рка
evening newspaperвечорка
factory newspaperмноготиражка
fan oneself with a newspaperмахаться газетой
newspaper satiristфельетонщик (= фельетонист)
newspaper sensationбум
propaganda newspaperмассовка (published in large numbers)
supporter of the "Iskra" newspaperискряк (= искровец)
thick newspaperтолстушка (Alexander Matytsin)
walking newspaperходячая газета
who's always swiping my newspaper?кто постоянно таскает у меня газету?