
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing most | all forms | exact matches only
more cider and less talkпобольше дела, поменьше слов (Bobrovska)
more likely than notскорее всего (как обознач. вероятности) It's more than likely that this problem will occur again. It is more likely than not that the A-plus student will get into college. Val_Ships)
more likely than notсудя по всему (She will more than likely not get the job. Val_Ships)
more often than notдовольно часто (Val_Ships)
more or lessгде-то около (80 miles,more or less Val_Ships)
more or lessв общих чертах (We more or less agree on the substance of the letter. Val_Ships)
more or lessгде-то порядка (the jar holds more or less 18 pickles Val_Ships)
more soдаже больше (Perhaps more so today than ever. Val_Ships)
most everyoneпочти все (разговорное американское выражение, практически неупотребимое в других англоязычных странах Yan Mazor)
most hatedзаклятый (Val_Ships)
most likelyверней всего (We'll most likely go to a pub tonight. Val_Ships)
most likelyнаиболее приемлемый (That seems to be the most likely explanation. Val_Ships)
most likelyскорее всего (как обозн.вероятности; Will it rain tomorrow? Most likely. Val_Ships)
most notablyбольше всего (Some subjects are very popular, most notably the sciences. Val_Ships)
most notablyи что самое важное (The ​company is ​beginning to ​attract ​investors, most notably ​big ​Japanese ​banks. Val_Ships)
most notablyв особенности (She appeared as an extra in several films, most notably "Evita". Val_Ships)
most sought afterнаиболее востребованный (the most sought-after artists Val_Ships)
most sought afterнаиболее разыскиваемый (one of the most sought after assassins in the world Val_Ships)
most sought afterсамый разыскиваемый (о беглеце Val_Ships)
the most exquisiteсамый что ни на есть прекрасный (the most exquisite statues of the Renaissance Val_Ships)
the most exquisiteсамый что ни на есть (Val_Ships)
what bugs me mostчто меня больше всего беспокоит (Val_Ships)