
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing more than | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
do more harm than goodнепреднамеренно ухудшать ситуацию (inadvertently make a situation worse (rather than better) Val_Ships)
do more harm than goodделать больше вреда чем пользы (Giving children too much freedom often does more harm than good. Val_Ships)
do more harm than goodнаносить больше вреда чем пользы (Giving children too much freedom often does more harm than good. Val_Ships)
make more of something than there isмудрить (Maggie)
more likely than notскорее всего (как обознач. вероятности) It's more than likely that this problem will occur again. It is more likely than not that the A-plus student will get into college. Val_Ships)
more likely than notсудя по всему (She will more than likely not get the job. Val_Ships)
more often than notдовольно часто (Val_Ships)
more thanболее того (как вводная фраза Val_Ships)
more than onceне один раз (he had a huge nose that had been broken more that once Val_Ships)
more than onceболее чем единожды (Val_Ships)
more than one can shake a stick atконца краю не видно
on more than one occasionsдовольно часто (Val_Ships)
there is more than one way to skin a catвсегда есть другие способы (Our first approach didn't work, but we'll figure out some other way. There's more than one way to skin a cat.; для достижения цели Val_Ships)
there is nothing more American than an apple pieнет ничего более американского, чем яблочный пирог