
Terms for subject Customs containing methods | all forms
computed methodметод сложения (метод определения таможенной стоимости: Method 5 – Computed value Cost or value is to be determined on the basis of information relating to the production of the goods being valued, supplied by or on behalf of the producer. If not included above, packing costs and charges, assists, engineering work, artwork, etc. wto.org Sukhopleschenko)
deductive methodметод вычитания (метод определения таможенной стоимости Sukhopleschenko)
fall-back methodрезервный метод (резервный метод определения таможенной стоимости: Method 6 – Fall-back method – Definition – Customs value determination based on "reasonable means consistent with the principles and general provisions of the Agreement, Article VII GATT and on the basis of available data". – When the customs value cannot be determined under any of the previous methods, it may be determined using reasonable means consistent with the principles and general provisions of the Agreement and of Article VII of GATT, and on the basis of data available in the country of importation. To the greatest extent possible, this method should be based on previously determined values and methods with a reasonable degree of flexibility in their application. wto.org Sukhopleschenko)
Transport charges method of payment codeКод способа оплаты транспортных услуг (грузовая таможенная декларация S29 alboru)