
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing meeting | all forms
all-hands meetingсовещание для всех (Yeldar Azanbayev)
come up to interfere with one's meetingпомешать встрече (внезапно: I hope nothing comes up to interfere with our next meeting, which I hope will be in June. (Ronald Reagan's letter, Feb 10, 1986) -- Я надеюсь, ничто не помешает нашей следующей встрече ART Vancouver)
I am pleased to extend to you this invitation to attend a high-level meetingя рад пригласить Вас на встречу на высоком уровне (Leonid Dzhepko)
meet someone's needsудовлетворять чьи-либо потребности (After acquiring property for a permanent monastery the monks went about establishing a premium coffee company as a means of supporting the monastery's building program and meeting the monks' modest financial needs. vashonmonks.com ART Vancouver)
meet the needsудовлетворять чьи-либо потребности (of someone: “Given the age of the existing buildings and the extensive, ongoing maintenance and repairs necessary to keep these facilities in an acceptable condition, BC Housing approached the City to determine how to best meet the needs of current and future tenants,” the Skeena Terrace Policy Statement reads.-- наилучшим образом удовлетворять потребности нынешних и будущих жильцов storeys.com ART Vancouver)