
Terms containing media agency | all forms | in specified order only
lawFederal Agency for Print and Mass MediaФедеральное агентство по печати и массовым коммуникациям (перевод с кремлевского сайта Миладол)
lawFederal Agency for the Oversight of Mass Media, Telecommunications, and Protection of Cultural HeritageФедеральная служба по надзору в сфере массовых коммуникаций, связи и охраны культурного наследия (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Federal Press and Mass Media AgencyФедеральное агентство по печати и массовым коммуникациям (Printed titles declined between 2009 and 2010 by 4.6 percent and are expected to continue to decrease throughout 2011, the Federal Press and Mass Media Agency reported. TMT Alexander Demidov)
NGOFederal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies, Communications and Mass MediaРоскомнадзор (VLZ_58)
cinemamedia agencyрекламное агентство в сфере распространения рекламы
adv.media agencyагентство-специалист по средствам рекламы (занимается только планированием использования средств рекламы и закупкой места или времени под рекламу)
adv.media agencyмедийное агентство (Alex_Odeychuk)
adv.media agencyагентство по распространению рекламы (Alex_Odeychuk)
adv.media agencyспециализированное рекламное агентство (A media agency makes sure a marketing message appeals to consumers, appears in the right place, at the right time and that the advertiser pays the best possible price. When media agencies were first launched, their main focus was on their ability to buy media space cheaper and more efficiently than the mainstream advertising agencies, which had previously managed the process of media buying. Their first clients were often direct response advertisers, marketers who had to make sure each ad paid for itself in consumer orders. As the sector developed media agencies added planning skills and an understanding of consumer behaviour to their skillset. By understanding what motivates a target group of consumers as well as the media they watch, read or hear, media agencies became a vital source of communications advice for all types of advertisers. In today's complex media world, the role of the media agency is central to the development of effective communications. By understanding what will motivate consumers to change their behaviour as well as the best places and times for any message to appear, media agencies are helping to maximise the effectiveness of their client's marketing messages. Alex_Odeychuk)
trd.class.news agency services to audio-visual mediaуслуги информационных агентств, предоставляемые аудиовизуальным средствам массовой информации (ОКПД 2 код 63.91.12 europa.eu 'More)