
Terms for subject Microsoft containing media | all forms | exact matches only
Audio Visual Media Servicesаудиовизуальные медийные сервисы (Himera)
digital media rendererмультимедийный обработчик (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Rori)
digital media rendererцифровой медиаобработчик (Windows 10 Rori)
digital media serverцифровой медиасервер (Andy)
free media poolпул свободных носителей (A logical collection of unused data-storage media that can be used by applications or other media pools. When media are no longer needed by an application, they are returned to a free media pool so that they can be used again)
import media poolимпортированный пул носителей (A logical collection of data-storage media that has not been cataloged by Removable Storage. Media in an import media pool is cataloged as soon as possible so that they can be used by an application)
media access controlуровень управления доступом к среде передачи (A sublayer of the IEEE 802 specifications that defines network access methods and framing)
media assetфайл мультимедиа (A unit of media programming, such as a television program, a movie, or a digital music track, that are delivered to a subscriber in exchange for on-demand fees or subscription fees. Assets are usually files that are stored on a media server. Rori)
Media Browserмедиабраузер (A panel within the Toolbox that provides browsing and previewing of music, movies, images, and other media files. Rori)
media bypassобход сервера-посредника (The removal of the Mediation Server from the media path whenever possible for calls whose signaling traverses the Mediation Server)
Media Center Extenderмедиаприставка Media Center (A hardware device that, when connected to a TV, includes the ability to extend the Windows Media Center experience and media on that TV)
Media Center Extrasдополнения Media Center (A collection of third-party extensibility applications for Windows Media Center)
Media Center Extrasдополнения Media Center (A collection of third-party extensibility applications for Windows Media Center. Rori)
media clipклип мультимедиа (A single media file, including art, sound, animation, or movies. Rori)
media devicesустройства мультимедиа (Windows 8 Rori)
media downloadскачивание файлов (Alex_Odeychuk)
media download target locationпапка назначения для скачивания файлов (Alex_Odeychuk)
media elementэлемент списка воспроизведения
media entryзапись списка воспроизведения (An individual entry in a playlist that specifies the location of a media asset, and for Web playlists, additional attributes such as whether the media asset can be sought or skipped by clients during playback)
media familyсемейство носителей (Data written by a backup operation to a backup device used by a media set. In a media set with only a single device, only one media family exists. In a striped media set, multiple media families exist. If the striped media set is unmirrored, each device corresponds to a family. A mirrored media set contains from two to four identical copies of each media family (called mirrors). Appending backups to a media set extends its media families)
media fileфайл мультимедиа (A file that contains audio, video, or script data)
media gatewayмедиашлюз (A device that translates signaling and media in different formats between the Enterprise Voice infrastructure and a public switched telephone network (PSTN) or private branch exchange (PBX))
media headerзаголовок носителя (A label that provides information about the backup media. Rori)
Media Indexerиндексатор мультимедийных данных (A media processor that leverages natural language processing (NLP) technology from Microsoft Research to make media files and content searchable by exposing this meaningful metadata to the end-user automatically in the form of a keyword file (XML), a set of closed caption files (SAMI/TTML), and a powerful binary index file (AIB). Rori)
media informationсведения об элементе мультимедиа (Information about digital media content such as the artist, title, album, rating, producer, and so forth. Also known as metadata or tags)
media link entryссылка на носитель (An entry in a data feed that contains a reference to a related media resource. This is the Open Data Protocol (OData) representation of an entity that has related binary large object data that is not serialized in the data feed)
media processorобработчик мультимедиа (A processor that transforms media content into a different output)
media relayсервер ретрансляции мультимедиа (A server, in the perimeter network, that has two separate network interfaces or edges (one for accepting connections from internal clients and another for accepting connections from external clients) and that is used to enable applications to pass audio and video data across NATs and firewalls)
media relay serverсервер ретрансляции мультимедиа (A server, in the perimeter network, that has two separate network interfaces or edges (one for accepting connections from internal clients and another for accepting connections from external clients) and that is used to enable applications to pass audio and video data across NATs and firewalls. Rori)
media resourceресурс мультимедиа (Any media item that can be transferred over any network as a binary stream. One media item could have multiple binary streams depending on the encoding features. For example, some media items could have three streams (or resources): WMV encoded stream for a 2 Mbps throughput, WMV encoded stream for a 500 Kbps throughput, and MPEG-2 encoded stream for a 5 Mbps throughput)
media sense threadпоток обнаружения среды передачи (The thread, or object within a process, that detects the presence of media)
media serverмедиасервер (Andy)
media serverсервер мультимедиа (A server that hosts and delivers media across a network)
Media Servicesслужбы мультимедиа (The Microsoft Azure service that allows you to create workflows for the creation, management, and distribution of digital media. Rori)
media setнабор носителей (An ordered collection of backup media written to by one or more backup operations using a constant number of backup devices. Rori)
Media Sharing CenterЦентр управления общим доступом к мультимедиа (The primary interface used to enable sharing media to other computers and devices, and to access media sharing settings and devices that interact with the media sharing feature. If you enable sharing you can play your favorite music, videos, and pictures on any computer or device in any room in your home)
media stateсостояние среды (Windows 7 ssn)
media stateсостояние носителя (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
media state eventсобытие состояния носителя (Windows 8 ssn)
media streamпередача мультимедиа (ssn)
Media Stream Sourceисточник передачи мультимедиа (The service that allows apps to send audio and video samples to the media pipeline to decode, encode into a file, and stream to Xbox using Play To)
media stream sourceисточник передачи мультимедиа (ssn)
media typeтип мультимедиа (Office System 2010, Windows Vista Rori)
media usage rightsправа на использование мультимедиа (Permissions to use a protected Windows Media-based file in a particular way. For example, a content provider, such as an online music store, can grant you the right to play a song on your computer (a play right), to burn the song to an audio CD (a burn right), or to sync the song to a portable device (a sync right). The content provider dictates the terms of the rights (for example, which rights it grants to you and for how long) and Windows Media Digital Rights Management(DRM) enforces those rights)
Microsoft Media Server protocolпротокол MMS
Microsoft® Office 2008 for Mac Special Media EditionMicrosoft® Office 2008 для Mac, специальный выпуск (The Special Media Edition of the suite of Microsoft productivity software for the Macintosh that supports common business tasks, including word processing, e-mail, presentations, and data management and analysis)
mirrored media setзеркальный набор носителей (A media set that contains two to four identical copies (mirrors) of each media family. Restore operations require only one mirror per family, allowing a damaged media volume to be replaced by the corresponding volume from a mirror)
Number of media types in use.Число используемых типов носителей. (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
on-media identifierметка носителя (A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database)
portable media identifierидентификатор носителя (A unique identifier for removable storage media such as compact flash cards. The identifier is hard coded into the storage media and is not changeable)
portable media playerпортативный мультимедиапроигрыватель (A generic handheld device that can play music, videos, display pictures, etc. Specifically, a non-Microsoft-branded type of this device)
remote media connectionудалённое подключение к мультимедиа (A Windows Media Player (WMP) specific feature that allows you to use the Internet to access music, pictures and videos available on your home network. The feature must be activated on at least two computers in order to work)
RemoteFX Media Streamingпотоковая передача мультимедиа через RemoteFX (A feature that enables communication of media objects through a streaming process using RemoteFX)
Reviewing media usage rightsПроверка прав использования мультимедиа (Windows 8 Rori)
Stream Media Iconзначок потоковой передачи мультимедиа (Windows 8.1 Rori)
striped media setчередующийся набор носителей (A media set that uses multiple devices, among which each backup is distributed)
Try searching all media typesПоиск среди всех типов мультимедиа (Office System 2007 Rori)
Windows 8 Media Center Packпрограмма Media Center для Windows 8 (A media pack add-on to Windows 8 Pro that upgrades the edition to include Windows Media Center)
Windows 8 Media Center Packпакет Media Center для Windows 8 (A media pack add-on to Windows 8 Pro that upgrades the edition to include Windows Media Center)
Windows Media clientклиент Windows Media (The ActiveX control called Windows Media Player that receives and renders content from Windows Media server components. The client can be on either the same computer as the server, or another computer)
Windows Media Connectмультимедиа-центр Windows
Windows Media Device Managerдиспетчер устройств Windows Media (An element in Microsoft Windows Media that acts as a broker between an application, the Microsoft Digital Rights Management (DRM) system, and the service provider. All communication requests between the application and the portable audio player must go through Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager)
Windows Media Digital Rights Managementуправление цифровыми правами Windows Media (Windows Media digital rights management platform and associated technologies)
Windows Media DRMуправление цифровыми правами Windows Media (Windows Media digital rights management platform and associated technologies)
Windows Media fileфайл Windows Media (A file that contains audio, video, or other data. The content of the file is encoded with one of the Windows Media codecs.)
Windows Media License Serviceслужба лицензий Windows Media (The Windows Media Rights Manager Software Development Kit (SDK) component on a licensing server that issues licenses)
Windows Media metafileметафайл Windows Media
Windows Media Playerпроигрыватель Windows Media (The Windows Media technology that plays digital media files or streams)
Windows Media PlayerПроигрыватель Windows Media
Windows Media Servicesслужбы Windows Media
Windows Media Sharing CenterЦентр управления общим доступом к мультимедиа Windows (The primary interface used to enable sharing media to other computers and devices, and to access media sharing settings and devices that interact with the media sharing feature. If you enable sharing you can play your favorite music, videos, and pictures on any computer or device in any room in your home)
Windows Media streaming libraryпотоковая библиотека Windows Media (A library providing a set of APIs that are used to convert audio data into a specified digital format for convenient storage and retrieval using computer technology, usually involving compression and encryption technology)
Windows Media Technologiesтехнологии Windows Media
Windows Media video decoder libraryбиблиотека видеодекодера Windows Media
Windows Media video encoder libraryбиблиотека видеокодировщика Windows Media
Windows 8 Pro with Media CenterWindows 8 Профессиональная с Media Center (An edition of Windows 8 Pro that contains Windows Media Center)