
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing meats | all forms
at meatза едой (obsolete usage ; To sit at meat = to sit at the table in taking food. to be at table for eating. (Webster 1913) thefreedictionary.com)
at meatза столом (obsolete usage ; To sit at meat = to sit at the table in taking food. to be at table for eating. (Webster 1913) thefreedictionary.com)
bear meatмедведина
blithe meatеда, подаваемая гостям на крестинах (Bobrovska)
fish-and-meat wholesalerпрасольщина (= прасолка)
fish-and-meat wholesalerпрасол
fish-and-meat wholesalerпрасолка
large piece of meatполть
large piece of meatполть (= по́лоть)
large piece of meatпо́лоть
large piece of meatполоть
one who eats raw meatсыроядец
sit at meatсидеть за столом (obsolete usage ; To sit at meat = to sit at the table in taking food. to be at table for eating. (Webster 1913) thefreedictionary.com 'More)
sit at meatсидеть за обеденным столом (obsolete usage ; To sit at meat = to sit at the table in taking food. to be at table for eating. (Webster 1913) thefreedictionary.com 'More)