
Terms for subject Saying containing may | all forms | exact matches only
A soldier may be asleep in bed, but he's serving his army stint for all that"солдат спит-служба идёт" (VLZ_58)
the April showers bring forth May flowersнет худа без добра (Taras)
April showers bring May flowersнет худа без добра (Taras)
Gods may do what cattle may notчто дозволено Юпитеру, не дозволено быку (VLZ_58)
Great order may beget great disorderОт великих порядков бывают великие беспорядки (Leonid Dzhepko)
it may be long before you see something happenулита едет, когда-то будет (igisheva)
May be rain or may be snow, may be yes or may be noодному Богу известно (Alex Lilo)
May be rain or may be snow, may be yes or may be noБабушка гадала, надвое сказала (ничего определенного; что так, то так; шансы равны; и да и нет, так и не так Alex Lilo)
may you live in interesting timesчтоб вы жили в интересное время (wikipedia.org 'More)
may you live in interesting timesчтоб ты жил в эпоху перемен ("May you live in interesting times" is an English expression purporting to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. Despite being so common in English as to be known as "the Chinese curse", the saying is apocryphal and no actual Chinese source has ever been produced wikipedia.org vkhanin)
may you live in interesting timesчтобы вы жили в эпоху перемен (знаменитое китайское проклятие (?) "May you live in interesting times' is widely reported as being of ancient Chinese origin but is neither Chinese nor ancient, being recent and western. It certainly seems to have been intended to sound oriental, in the faux-Chinese 'Confucius he say" style, but that's as near to China as it actually gets. org.uk vkhanin)
one may fail and one may succeedодному Богу известно (Alex Lilo)
one may fail and one may succeedБабушка гадала, надвое сказала (Alex Lilo)
one may fail and one may succeedЛибо дождь, либо снег, либо будет, либо нет (Alex Lilo)
the wolf may lose his teeth, but never his natureпривычка – вторая натура